Where there is no imagination there is no horror. ~Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.
When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam,
May luck be yours on Halloween.
~Author Unknown
So, I'm trying to pump myself up... give myself affirmations and reminders. But, the ones I find tend to be double-edged swords.
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't... you're right."
"Thoughts become things."
And... my favorite of all Star Wars scenes for outright inspiration:
What amazing quotes!!!
"Try not! Do... or do not. There is no try."
and, following Luke's line of, "I don't believe it!"
Yoda replies, "That is why you fail."
Gives me goosey bumps.
And some seriously cool NaNoWriMo icons!!! Here are a few of my faves (it's like Facebook

Now, I just need to stop playing around and get to work...
:::faints dead away:::
So, Dakota has been getting so much better about... well... everything, that sometimes I forget she's not Bailey. I was rudely reminded yesterday.
We took her in the truck like always and made some stops... forgetting that we hadn't emptied out our purchases from the day before, from PetsMart. Ha. She didn't forget.
We got back to the truck about 15 minutes later and found... an empty bag of treats. An entire bag of Chicken Chips -- which are, thankfully, just hard chicken with no other additives.
She DID find the silica packet... you know, the one that says "DO NOT EAT UNLESS YOU WANT A LONG, LINGERING AND PAINFUL DEATH" and bit it, but didn't eat it (THANK YOU GOD... I really don't need another big vet bill).
However, the entire afternoon and evening was interesting, to say the least. Many, many, many trips outside... some futile, some not. Puppy had an upset stomach. Bet she doesn't learn.
Doing anything interesting tonight?