Books had instant replay long before televised sports. ~Bern Williams
So, I'm reading "Key of Valor" by Nora Roberts -- a re-read and a comfort read for me... Recently, I had gotten three hardback romantic suspense novels from the library by NY Times bestselling authors, authors whose books I've always enjoyed in the past, and I disliked every last one of them. So, I curled up with a book I knew I'd like. I have a huge TBR pile, so that decision may be a bit questionable, but it's a bit like getting a hug from a friend. When I'm done, I'll move back into the unknown.
I know that Judy seldom rereads a book (or rewatches a movie -- "Princess Bride" being an exception to that rule... but then, it's an exception to many rules, LOL). I was surprised to hear that from her, because I'm a BIG book re-reader. Always have been, even as a kid. It's like revisiting friends.
What about you? Do you re-read much? If you do... why and what? And if you don't, why not?
Inquiring minds want to know.
So... the dog thing. The more I thought about it, the more I really wanted DD to accept the responsibility of sleeping with the dog (and, yes, your comments made me feel a little less mean about that *G*). When we ran errands yesterday, we put Dd into her crate (she still destroys the house when left on her own... I hope she outgrows that) and Dd yelped and cried (she likes to go with us). DD asked, "Is that where she'll sleep at night if you take her?" ... "Yes."
And DD was quiet. For a long time. A couple of hours later, she said, "I think I'm not happy with my decision. I want to sleep with the dog again." ... "If you go back to that, there is NO MORE CHANGING YOUR MIND. Ever." ... "Okay."
And, so, without me being mean mom (unless you count locking up the dog), the situation was resolved. Of course, that may change in the future, but I will remind DD that she chose this path, and she'll have to live with it.
Being single and childless is so much easier... LOL...
I spent yesterday doing more pre-plotting on my NaNoWriMo story. I'm trying to find some funny situations to throw my heroine into. And, I realized that I don't really have an antagonist. To be honest, few of my stories actually have one -- the conflict usually arises from the H/H and not an another character. I mean, I have a person with whom my heroine doesn't get along, but she's not the reason the H/H struggle with their feelings.
Is that weird? I'm going to have to pay closer attention to the romances I read -- not the suspense ones, because those always have an antagonist, but the mainstream romances. Off the top of my head (and just WHERE did that saying come from?), I think most of the conflicts in those arise from either internal emotions from the H/H or else an external conflict that isn't necessarily tied to a human antagonist.
See what happens when I think too much?
Brandy said nice things about me on her blog the other day, and I've been meaning to mention it. I was one of her "Blogs I Love".
I think I'm supposed to make a list... but OY, I have so many people I visit. How about if I just say: I love all y'all! And you know who you are *G*
Any big plans for the weekend? Not me...
Stocking Up For The Big Freeze
1 day ago
I haven't read that one yet. I actually started reading one of NR's Silhouettes and honestly, I don't like it. I don't see NR in any of it. Maybe it's one of her earlier works, but usually she has a unique style. This one, not so much.
I've been plotting some of my NaNo too. I have an antagonist but he doesn't come along til much later. I have to be careful about my bad guys, I've been told they quite frequently look like cardboard cutouts. Want to avoid that. :(
When I'm in between books, when I need a break from reading a particular genre, or when I need a friend, I'll pick up one of my books on my keeper shelf and visit with them. The books that I tend to re-read are the In Death series (J.D. Robb), Stephanie Plum (Janet Evanovich), FBI series (Catherine Coulter) and some other favorites.
I'm glad the Dakota situation has been resolved.
I have no big plans for the weekend either.
Have a good Friday.
I am not a re-reader. I've read my absolute fave book, The Stand, a couple of times, but not many others.
Hope you have fun getting ready for NaNo!
I am only a re-reader when I don't feel well. I like a guaranteed comfort read that will make me feel warm and fuzzy if I'm otherwise out of my mind with sickness/grief/worry/whatever.
Indy is 10. Still must be put in her kennel if we leave the house or go to sleep. She CANNOT be trusted to leave things alone. She sleeps in her kennel every night.
I'm still on the fence about NaNo. I want to do it, I have a book all lined up, but things keep getting in the way.
I a BIG rereader (as long as it's been long enough where I don't remember every detail). Janet Evanovich, Jennifer Crusie and Kay Hooper are my fav's.
Glad to her DD decided to let Dd sleep with her after all.
Have a terrific day!
Holy cow! I can't imagine not re-reading books! I re-read ALL the time!!! I'm re-reading right now (well, not this very instant, of course).
Me, too! I re-read books all the time, but any one book no more than once a year. The one exception was Eat, Pray, Love, which I liked so much I started reading it again as soon as I finished it.
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