“Being married means I can [break wind] and eat ice cream in bed.” - Brad Pitt
I've been working both on my MayNoWriMo story (I'm behind... BUT I did get just over 1400 words written yesterday) and working through edits on my next short story, "Magic".
I really love my editor (sending XOXOXO's to Leanne) because she challenges me to excel. Apparently, I'm learning stuff pretty well, because I'm not getting caught on the things pointed out before, so that's good. But, it seems as though I'm finding new and exciting things to do in their place.
This time through, she said one thing that stuck in my brain: "look" and "walk" are first draft words. When you polish your story, use something more descriptive. She's right -- both look and walk are just begging for adverbs, aren't they? Don't do it! You character mustn't walk quickly, she should march. Nor should she walk slowly, she should drag her feet.
She also pokes at me to make things more interesting and specific. My characters didn't just go to a restaurant, they went to a quaint family restaurant with an outdoor patio. And they didn't simply order food, they requested two of their appetizer combos, with a side of steamers.
Moving on...
Yesterday, I headed over to Charity's blog where she mentioned carrying pie to the bedroom. I asked, "why are you bringing pie to the bedroom?" and she responded, "To snack on in bed, doesn't everyone eat in bed?"
That got me to thinking... and I decided once again to post a Question of the Day (did you hear the trumpets in the background when you read that? Dum-dum-dum-DUM!):
Do you eat in bed? Why or why not? And if so, do you have something that you WON'T eat there?
I don't eat in bed. I never have. Of course, part of this may be because I've never had a TV in my bedroom -- and I'm willing to bet most people who eat in bed watch TV. Oh... I just remembered: way back when (1987, yes I remember the year because it's the first and only time I'd ever purchased a brand new vehicle) I lived with my grandma for a while... and I'd eat in my room. Because it was a mobile home, my room was tiny and I had no choice but to eat on my bed. And, yes, that is the last time...
So -- what about you? C'mon, give it up. And if you have a question you're dying to have answered by the tens of people who read this blog, leave it in your comments.
Have a great day!
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
3 hours ago
I don't. I pretty much collapse into bed late at night, period. We have a TV in there but it's usually only used if hubby's watching one thing in the living room and I want to watch something else in the bedroom. Even then I don't eat in the bed. Kind of gross, what with the crumb factor, and all.
I never eat in bed. We have a TV in our bedroom, but only watch it if someone is watching something else in the family room. A few times I've been unhappy finding crumbs in my bed. I knew then my children had been in my bed eating while they watched TV.
Given Charity's legendary grace and discipline, she can undoubtedly eat as much pie in bed as she likes without leaving a crumb.
Not me. So no eating in bed around here! Yuck!
I always eat in bed. I'm there now and have half a grapefruit with me.
What a suitable Brad Pitt quote for an interesting entry today! I have my answer up at my bloggie.
Coincidentally, I was reading something similar on being more descriptive in writing. The examples you gave are good. Your editor is wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
Sloth and Gluttony here. I blogged about it, too.
GREAT blog today. PLEASE keep the edit comments coming, so I can avoid making the same mistakes. :D
I eat in bed all the time, and I don't have a TV in my bedroom. But I like to read in bed, and who has time to put the book down in order to eat? So sometimes I'll take whatever I'm eating (bowl of cereal, bowl of ice cream, whatever...) to bed with me, so I can read in bed. I don't always read in bed, but of DH and DD are watching TV and I want to escape the noise, it's my favorite retreat. (Especially when House is on--I can't bear House, probably because I'm a doctor, and he's such a jackass, and NO hospital lets 4 doctors waste all their time on a single patient with a fascinating illness, trying one potentially lethal treatment after another until they either kill him/her or luckily get it right. And last I checked, breaking and entering was still a crime--even for doctors. There are 10 or 12 other things wrong with the show, but those are the two biggies).
I eat in bed whether watching tv or reading. It's relaxing.
Gay, sorry to say, but House is my favorite show on right now. Sure he's obnoxious and there are more than a dozen things wrong with the show, but it's entertaining. And I love the wit and sarcasm...especially between House and Wilson. Still, some would say I'm easily amused so...*shrug* :-)
I rarely eat in bed, but sometimes I go to bed with a good book and a piece of string cheese. At least that won't leaves crumbs among the sheets!
Hi Marianne, all the best with your MayNoWriMo story!
For me, I don't eat in the bed, partly we don't have a TV as you have mentioned. Moreover, I don't like leaving crumbs on the bedsheets and then having to clean them out later...too troublesome anyway! LOL.
I do not eat in bed. I've heard from more than one source that for healthy relationships and good, restful sleep habits the bedroom should be reserved for only two activities: sleeping and marital inimacy.
Those are rules my hubby and I abide by. Not surpirsingly, we sleep alot and we have a very, um, dynamic relationship!
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