A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with what he has done. — Cardinal Newman
I'm glad yesterday's quote resonated with everyone. I love it, too! And to answer a few thing from the comments:
Anno asked for pictures of my garden when it matures a bit... Okay!
Groovy offered me a new murder weapon on her blog -- I'm trying to figure out a way to use it. Muh-ha-ha...
Ceri, I'm a plant freak. Gardening is how I relax, despite the fact it's work. Want me to come help you with your roses? :-)
Moving on....
The weather here has been lovely (although still cold in the mornings -- we've had frost on the ground when I put the feeders out) and it's difficult to concentrate. DD asked for the day off from school yesterday and got it (we take off one day every week, but observe no long vacations. No spring break, etc), which was fine for her, but not so good for me. I had no time all day to write, except what I took first thing in the morning. Thankfully, I squeaked in the bare minimum to keep up with my writing goal, but I'd prefer being ahead.
I've been getting postcards from the Debs at the Debutante Ball. So far I've heard from Eileen, Mia and Anna -- it's fun and they'll be stuck inside their books as I buy them (I have to admit to looking forward most to Eileen Cook's upcoming book, but Judy has two others and seems to have enjoyed them immensely, so on the wish list they go). If you didn't enter the Debs monthly contest, you should!
Speaking of contests, a few Wild Rose Press authors are giving stuff away. Free is always good, don't you think?
Donna Michaels is giving away giving away a matching set of rose stationary, notepad, things-to-do-list and three coordinating ink pens.
Donna Dalton is giving away a $5.00 Wild Rose Press gift certificate!
Sara Freeze is giving away a $10 gift card to Borders, a Jane Austen action figure and a copy of her Wild Rose Press release, "The Earl's Enchantment."
And the best news of all??? I'm holding a contest to celebrate the release of my latest Wild Rose Press release, "Miles From You" -- tune in tomorrow to find out all the ways you can earn entries for the collection of stuff I'm giving away!
Oh, and don't forget about my ongoing contest to win a book - you can enter here.
See you tomorrow -- I can't wait!
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
2 hours ago
You've been tagged this time.
Aren't the Debs great? I've done the same thing about the postcards. You will LOVE Mia's book and Kristy's book, Catching Genius, is so beautifully written I didn't want it to end!
I love Cardinal Newman! That quote is so true and very applicable to writers.
Have a great day!
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