Wednesday, March 01, 2006

One of Those Days

Hubby is working from home today, so I can't hog the computer. I'm typing FAST just to get this posted.

I woke up late because I went to bed late (all the fault of American Idol and my niece) and because I have enough of a cold that I coughed most of the night until about 3 a.m.

Hubby got up early -- with me -- to run to work before coming home again, so my morning was shot.

I had to take my niece to work at 7:45 a.m. and then hurry home because:

The dog had to go to the groomer at 9 a.m., and the groomer is an hour away, so I had to hang out in Nashua for four hours. I did get to go to Trader Joes, though, and my dog is beautiful and fluffy now, so it was worth it.

I got a rejection from Grit on my short story saying they've purchased all their fiction for 2006 and to check back this summer for their 2007 needs.

eHarlequin's website is down and I need something from them.

I can't do anything this afternoon because I have to "do" school with my daughter since we didn't do it this morning.

And, to top it off, I'm still short 22,000 words on Camilla (give or take a few hundred).

How's your day going?

Oh, and... yup, Paul is still cute:

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