See my website for details on how to win either "Sweet Forever" by Ceri Hebert or "No Greater Loss" by Diane Craver -- in trade paperback format.
These are really great books and I highly recommend them both.
Good luck!
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
1 hour ago
Thank you, Marianne, for selecting my book, NO GREATER LOSS, for one of your giveaways! And excited to see Ceri's book, too!
Hey there! I came by to comment regardless of the contest. In fact, I came by without knowing about it. So anyway, count me in for the contest, but be assured I was going to comment anyway. lol.
Sorry you've had a rough time lately. It must be frustrating not to be able to get that writing time in. Or the teaching time. I know what that was like. I had to be VERY protective of my teaching time. Guess it's hte same with the writing, but I tend to not be as protective with it. BAD me.
Thanks for keeping up wiht my blog, and for the tips on what to do in CO. We're in Colorado Springs right now. Heading out to the GotG tomorrow, and Pike's Peak, and hopefully, maybe, Manitou Springs.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow. :)
Thanks Marianne!!! This is a very cool idea. I appreciate it.
Hi Marianne! Both books sound so good! I have Diane's in ebook so I would love to play for Ceri's. Love to read new to me authors too! Thanks.
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