Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Finger Waggles

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~Charles Dickens

Today is my last official virtual tour stop: and interview at Virtual Wordsmith. I'm a little sad it's over, but MAN(!) was it ever hard to do that many interviews. I don't know if I'd do it again...

BTW, remember I am still having folks over here to guest blog. I'm scheduling into June right now, so if you want to post on my blog, email me (marianne (AT) mariannearkins (DOT) com). The complete schedule is here.


So, people are going to think I beat my dog. When she's bad, I point at her a lot -- waggling my finger about -- now, when I pull that finger out, she flinches away. I can see people think, "Dang, that dog is hand shy...she must be beaten on a regular basis! What a mean owner."

How do you tell people she gets pointed at on a regular basis? Do you think Dakota is thinking, "Dude, I could totally go to a different family who don't give me rules, and feed me treats if I make Doggy Social Services think my mom beats me." ?



No writing yesterday. I couldn't settle...for whatever reason, I was very down yesterday and my brain wasn't into anything. Everything made me cry. I missed my dog, missed my mom, missed my dad, hated the weather, was distraught over all the chipmunk holes in my slowly appearing flowerbeds, couldn't believe how far behind we are in school...everything set me off.

You ever have days like that?

Hopefully, today will be better. I'm going to try to keep my brain in positive mode.


What Your Shamrock Says About You

You are balanced, nurturing, and sympathetic. You understand people and love to help them.

At times, you get too involved with what's going on in other people's lives. It's hard to remove yourself.

You consider yourself a lucky person. Luck always seems to be on your side.

You are stylish, in a classic sort of way. You are particular about how you like things.

Incidentally, the shamrock they picture isn't the one I chose. And, LOLOL, this result couldn't be farther from the truth (except the part about being particular...that's spot on).


Dru said...

{{{Marianne}}} Sorry you had a bad day. Sending you best wishes for a better day.

What Your Shamrock Says About You

You are brilliant, analytical, and somewhat of a perfectionist. You are ultra competent and knowledgeable.

At times, people find you intimidating. You can be a bit sarcastic and harsh.

You don't really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck.

You are creative, innovative, and complicated. You definitely have a unique spin on the world.

Judy said...

Hope today goes better. I hate blue days. Mine, I can usually blame on hormones. They must just use the same picture for the "answers"'s what I got. Read it and laugh....

You have a logical mind, and you pay a lot of attention to details. You are very organized.

Sometimes you find thinking creatively to be a challenge. You prefer to deal with the facts at hand.

You don't really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck.

You are traditional, easy going, and appreciative of the simple things in life.

I think the last paragraph is right. The first two..... bwahahahahahaha......yeah, right.

Ceri Hebert said...

Weird. My shamrock was different too. Oh well. Sorry you had a sad day yesterday. I have those occasionally.

My son has decided he wants 2 puppies and a house. May have to hit you up for some puppy tips. But not until after the house. No puppies in apartments.

Thanks for the Blaze advice. Very sound.

groovyoldlady said...

I'm having a MONTH like that!

Jen said...

Huge hugs! I'm having a day like that today. They're no fun.

Brandy said...

Sorry to hear you were having a bad day. Sending good thoughts and smiles to you. I wish you a happy day today.

anno said...

Sorry about your day yesterday. I hope today is better for you. Sending huge hugs your way...

Anonymous said...

LOL on the doggy thoughts. The only people who think you beat her are the ones who don't have dogs. And they should just mind their own business.

I'm so sorry yesterday was a bad writing day and that you were so sad. I hope today is better and that you get LOADS of writing done.

Anonymous said...

*hugs* on the down day. I hope today is better.

What Your Shamrock Says About You

You are unselfish, responsible, and a good leader. You contribute a lot to your community.

At times, you can be self-righteous and stubborn. There's no better way to do things than your way.

You consider yourself a lucky person. Luck always seems to be on your side.

You are creative, innovative, and complicated. You definitely have a unique spin on the world.

Well, I don't know about THAT. *g*

Dena said...

Sorry to hear your feeling a bit sad about the tour ending. I just hope it helped promote your book so much that you get more fans and contracts.
Dakota is working it,huh. I'll dog was abused and flinched a lot when we got her,she doesn't no more amazinly. She goes and hides under the bed when she's in trouble then crawls when called to get washed up from whatever it is she got into which is usually the catbox... icky. What is it with dogs and poop? Thank goodness for doggy breath mints!

Diane Craver said...

I must have picked the same shamrock - mine is the same as yours, Marianne!