I'm still working, slowly, through the Maass Workbook, and have realized something (well, maybe "re-realized") -- I am so not deep. I can remember in my college philosophy class (which I dropped after a week), my teacher came into the classroom, all weird and wild looking, reached into his briefcase and pulled out a mirror -- picture Doc from Back to the Future -- and ran around the room holding it in front of our faces:
"What do you see?"
He got a variety of answers, but didn't respond. Then he grabbed a partly filled glass of water and did the same thing.
"What do you see?"
Some of the students got really deep, but all I could think (besides "Who is this nutcase and why am I here?") was:
I see a mirror and a partly filled glass of water.
And this is my biggest problem dealing with most writing courses ... I simply don't get the deep stuff. It's all face value to me.
What's Camilla's Irrevocable Commitment? Don't have a clue.
What's Camilla's Moment of Irresolution? I don't know.
*sigh* holds up manuscript
"What do you see?"
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
1 hour ago
We are truly sisters. I guess I'm not writing a book that is going to be forever taught in english and lit classes around the world. Papers will not be written about my stories. And I'm okay with that. I write for entertainment, mine and I hope the readers. LOL
I don't write for deep meanings.
I think thats why I'm rather intimidated by this workbook.
I understand exactly. I'm having trouble with the workbook as well... but I'm still plugging away (albeit a LOT slower than everyone else, apparently!) When I read, I read for entertainment. I take things as they seem on the surface.
I was reading another book on character development and the author was telling us to write out the "underlying" dialogue. They were "saying" this, but in reality... subconsciously... they were actually "saying" this. PUH-LEEZE... I have trouble enough writing dialogue the way I hear it in my head when my characters say it, much less trying to write out what they are really meaning under the scene.
I guess it works to show your characters real motivation, but doesn't a lot of that come just from real life? If someone tries to make amends and you aren't ready to forgive them, you're response is going to be different from if you are ready to forgive them...and, don't we recognize that response for what it is without having to write it all out? Or, am I just being lazy and not wanting to delve as deeply as I need to into what the characters are feeling and thinking?
Okay... so we're all having problems. Jump into the group and lets start working through them. The more the merrier.
Plus, it'll help me feel less stupid, and that's a good thing.
Ceri - I got ubaymvm, eBay's evil twin.
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