My short story is available for your reading pleasure at Wax Romantic. You need to be a subscriber to view it, but I hope you'll take the time to read it and let me know what you think.
I have about a dozen more ideas for novels and short stories running around in my brain and one character in particular that is begging to have his story told. I wonder if the more you write, the more you think of things to write about? At first, getting an idea is hard. You have to work at the characters, work at the conflict, don't have a clue how the story will proceed.
Then the next is a bit easier -- not the actual writing, but the planning. And in the midst of writing that one, another idea comes knocking at your door. And another.
Is imagination like a muscle? The more you use it, the stronger it is?
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
1 hour ago
Hi, girl! I gotten notice that the issue was up when I checked my mail and just finished reading the story. Very good... I love Duncan!
What awful grammar... I HAD gotten... sheesh!!!!
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