"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all." - Dale Carnegie
From Astrology for Writers, Editors and Filmmakers:
Capricorn: If your work life isn't busy, something is really wrong. Mercury in your House of Daily Work brings lots and lots of offers for new projects, re-writes, new collaborators. Take names and numbers and promise an answer as soon as you can clear your desk of previous committments. $$$ isn't a problem for you now.
Hmmm... could be an interesting month for me then, huh?
"...lots and lots of offers for new projects, re-writes, new collaborators."
So, who wants to come over and play? Let me know, and we'll do lunch. Gotta admit to not being thrilled about that "re-writes" thing.
"$$$ isn't a problem for you now."
*laughs* Clearly the stars haven't looked in my back account lately.
I think I prefer my Humorscope:
Capricorn: A creature from the 7th dimension will become attached to your leg, and will be impossible to remove. Eventually, you'll simply get used to it.
This has already happened. I call her "my daughter".
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
3 hours ago
1 comment:
LOL That's too funny!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the laugh this morning.
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