Give a big blog welcome to today's visitor: Author Maggie Toussaint!
What character would you pick to model your hero: Captain Kirk or Spock and why?
Great question! Captain Kirk, natch. He has charisma in spades, thinks on his feet, delegates the boring stuff, and radiates sex appeal. Captain Kirk could slip right into the shoes of Devlin Temple in NO SECOND CHANCE. They’re birds of a feather.
Where would you keep a pet rhinoceros?
I’d put it out back, in my mother’s yard. This would benefit us both. It would drive the neighbor’s always-barking dogs crazy. When the rhino had enough and charged through the fence, the dogs would get their comeuppance. Of course, Hope Farrier of NO SECOND CHANCE would want me to put the rhino in her lower pasture, but I’m not sure how rhinos and horses get along.
When would it be appropriate for a hero to have the compulsion to sing top 40 songs in lieu of conversation to the heroine?
When he want to tap dance around the issue of where their relationship is going. Naturally he’s crazy about her, but he can’t admit it until she says the magic words, or joins him in song. She’s baffled by his sudden musicality, can’t sing a note, and prompts him to sing even more. Both my heroes, Jake Sutherland and Devlin Temple tap danced a bit around their feelings, but neither of them broke into song. IF they’d thought about singing, Jake would have sung classic rock lyrics and Devlin would be a show-tunes singer.
Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?
A little vanilla goes a long way. Some vanilla ice cream is spotted instead of creamy due to the use of chopped up vanilla beans. My brainy heroine in HOUSE OF LIES, Hannah Montgomery, told me so.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-Roll pop?
None! One chomp and you’re there. This was confided by my very direct hero in HOUSE OF LIES, Jake Sutherland. He gets right to the heart of every matter.
A scientist by training, a romanticist at heart, Maggie Toussaint loves to solve puzzles. Whether it’s the puzzle of a relationship or a who-dun-it, she tackles them all with equal aplomb and wonder. Maggie’s cozy mystery from Five Star, IN FOR A PENNY, is about a terrible golfer trying to save her best friend from a murder rap. Her three other published works are romantic suspense books, one of which won Best Romantic Suspense in the 2007 National Readers Choice Awards. Her day jobs include freelancing for a weekly paper and leading a yoga class.
Visit her at
Review Tour: Golden Blood by Tim Vee
10 hours ago
Thanks for having me here today, Marianne. I'm excited to have an opportunity to show my lighthearted side!
oh! me again! Isn't today Earth Day? Happy Earth Day everyone.
I see a horse on the cover of your book. :-) Please tell us more.
And why would I be obsessed with horses, ;) :)
Happy Earth Day Maggie:
Captain Kirk gets my vote as well. Although there is something about those sexy pointed ears. whew
And as nothing stops a rhino one would not keep a rhino anywhere. They are much like cats, they keep you! In that frame of mind they would pretty much stay where ever they want to. hahah
As to tootsie roll pops, crunch them. All you are going to get licking them is. . . well I have to keep it G rated no matter how light hearted today's theme is.
Happy blogging today Maggie! ROFL
Eden Glenn
Hi Rhonda! Yes, I have a horsey on the cover of No Second Chance which is about a horse rescue farm on the brink of financial ruin, along with a corporate takeover play and a deranged villain! Proceeds benefit real-life horse rescue farm Days End Farm Rescue ( who in 20 years of operations have saved 1500 horses. I hope you'll join me in supporting them!
Hi Eden! Welcome to my zanier side, LOL! I'd never thought of rhinos as being like cats but now that you mention it, my back yard may not be big enough for a rhino! Maybe I'd let him "free range" whereever he wanted to go. I'm with you on the Tootsie Roll crunching. I want instant gratification - there's chocolate in there!
Love the interview and how you tied each question to a book! Fun, fun, fun!
Hi Emma!
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. You are a great friend!
The interview was a hoot, Marianne and Maggie! Better Maggie answer those existential questions regarding the color of vanilla than I. Had I been asked, I would have pretended my internet suddenly went out. I loved it!
Bess McBride
MAGGIE--this was the snappiest, coolest blog I've seen in a long while. You have IT, girl--bottle it and make a million bucks. Celia
Oh Maggie, you just blow me away! I would never have thought of such a great answer to that pesky prob of where exactly does one stash their visiting rhino :) And, as one who has tried, I can honestly say, absolutely to the one chomp to get to the chocolate center!
Hi Bess,
Thanks for stopping by! I bet you could have come up with something snappy!
Hi Celia! I'm not sure what IT is, but I'm thrilled you think I have IT. Only, could you tell me where I put IT? Because I could sure use IT in my revisions...
Hiya Ellen! I always knew we were sisters parted at birth. Yep. One chomp to take care of a Tootsie Roll pop. Thanks for stopping in at Marinanne's cool blog.
I love your sense of humor Maggie. I'm right with you. I'm votin' for Captain Kirk. The old one and the new one!
And the tootsie roll pop issue is a no brainer, if you want the tootsie you have to take a bite. It ain't a tootsie roll sucker. It's a tootsie roll pop. (big grin for Maggie!!)
Hi Maggie,
Fun blog. *G* Tootsie rolls? Oh yeah, I'm there. Hope sales for In For A Penny are going great!
Great interview, ladies! Definitely lightened my mood - thank you.
Hi Mary! I'm excited that you stopped by. Sharing grins all around - who knew so many people bit right into those pops? Dentists all over the planet are rejoicing in their good fortune.
Hi Diana! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, friends, buy more of my books. Ensure that I have a future in publishing... (grin)
Kenna, Thanks for dropping over to say hello. Nothing like a smile or two to brighten your day. Hope your week continues to smile on you.
Holy cow Batman! I just learned that NO SECOND CHANCE won cover of the year. How exciting to get that news when I'm a guest blogger here at Marianne's place. WOO-HOO!
Way to go on the book cover Maggie. It's better when you flip that cover open!
A my m-i-l's room, perchance.
I'm more of a Spock guy. Kirk is too short. Tom Selleck would be my top choice. He's always my top choice.
My Rhino would go right on my front lawn--to keep those pesky sales people away!
Nice blog,Maggie! :)
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