There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are. - W. Somerset Maugham
I just realized that I hadn't updated my blog yet today. I popped out of bed around 4 a.m. like always and got started answering emails -- but the husband is playing hockey in Nashua this morning, so I woke him at 4:30, started a load of laundry and basically skewed my regular routine.
I am working on expanding a story I originally wrote with Womans World in mind. It was rejected but I love the premise, so am fleshing it out. It's so nice to revisit characters that you enjoy, isn't it? That must be the reason that many authors write a series.
The only thing I've struggled with is this: in my mind, the story happened the way it happened originally. And changing it up is like trying to change my own past. In the original story, the characters only meet once, near the end, but I want to build up their attraction a bit more and let the reader get to know the hero more, so some of the characters original past needs to change. It's like pulling teeth.
Hey -- thanks to all the folks who've purchased my story at Wild Rose and left such nice reviews. I'm glad you enjoyed the story -- it's one of my favorites.
So... Christmas shopping done yet? Mine is (insert evil laugh here).
EDITED TO ADD: If you haven't stopped by Paperback Writer's blog today, you should. She has a list of ten really cool contests.
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
45 minutes ago
Although my husband has gotten lots of shopping done for the kids, I haven't done any. No, thats not true, I got a calendar for my daughter.
I have a WW reject that I'd like to revise....whenever I have a moment.
uggno-unbelievably gigantic gnomes nip olives
Shopping? ROFL! Uh, I've done NONE. Guess I'd better start hitting the online shopping fast! Of course, it would help if I had the slightest clue what to buy people. *sigh*
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