Dear Santa, I don't want much for Christmas this year.
1. A place to call my own. A small cottage. A shed. Somewhere I can go to get away from it all. To work without comments on my messy desk. Somewhere warm and sunny.
2. Patience. I am in short supply.
3. A pet for my daughter.
4. 20 fewer pounds.
5. More sun, less snow.
6. A polished, completed and saleable manuscript -- and an editor or agent to go along with that, please.
7. A visit from my best friend. I miss her.
8. Publishing contracts for all my writing friends - I need to read their books from cover to cover instead of 2000 words at a time.
9. The knowledge and ablitiy to be a perfect mother.
10. And, if you have the time, peace on earth. I don't mind supporting our soldiers, but how wonderful it would be to not have to.
The strange indulgence of being offline
11 hours ago
At last, I got into Wax Romantic and read your short story. I love the new ending. Very nice. I got all teary. You should be proud.
Thanks! I love to make people cry - LOL.
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