Paperback Writer has posted an amusing blog today - her cat's New Years Resolutions. And, though hers are quite funny, some of the responses are even better. Enjoy!
I started seriously dieting today. Seriously (she said firmly to the Tupperware container full of chocolate chips... and to the huge can of dry roasted peanuts).
I'm "doing" Weight Watchers. Love 'em. Did it before and it was pretty simple. This time, though, I'm trying to keep track of my protein and fiber as well, to make sure I'm keeping within the proper health parameters. I'm also keeping my mouth full constantly -- not with food, with yummy flavored green tea. It's helping.
It's a combination of two things:
1. I bravely stepped on the scale this morning. Yelped loudly. I'm heavier than I've ever been, excepting my pregnancy (I gained 53 pounds and exceeded 200 lbs then... yikes!).
2. My 72-year-old mother has lost 20 lbs and is showing me that it can, indeed, be done -- even with my slower middle aged metabolism, and that I should stop blaming my pudge on my age. Dang it.
So I'm off and running... I'd like to lose somewhere between 10 and 20 pounds by the time all is said and done (next week, right?).
Why do I always start dieting right before all the really cool eating holidays? Halloween (candy is EVERYWHERE), Thanksgiving (mmm... potatoes) and Christmas (mmm... candy and potatoes).
I think I may need more than luck.
On a positive note, Mary found herself a literary agent!! BIG CONGRATS TO MARY!!
Speaking of agents, one of my writing pals has been querying for a year now - has gotten numerous requests for "fulls" and lots of positive responses - loved your voice, adored your characters, great writing, sat up all night with the book and couldn't put it down - but is consistently turned down for representation.
Does make me wonder just what agents (and editors for that matter) are looking for... if it isn't edge of your seat writing, great characters, good voice and excellent plot.
Huh. Any thoughts?
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
45 minutes ago
What kind (brand) of green tea are you drinking. I switch to green tea in the afternoon at work, but all we have stocked is the Bigelow Tea plain green tea stuff. I need flavor!
Thanks, Marianne! Good luck with your d-word.
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