Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pretty Pictures

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into. ~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858

Look what bloomed in my garden recently:

Pretty poppies:

Pink Peonys:

Peppermint Portulaca:

Today's photos were brought to you by the letter "P".



The weather here has been horrid... overcast (i.e. "buggy"), humid, rainy. It hasn't been conducive to getting outside at all. As a result, Dakota (or Dd, and I refer to her in IMs with friends) has been bouncing off the walls. Um, literally. She'll run and leap onto the couch with enough force that she ends up on the top of it with her legs splayed -- looking a bit like a spider on the wall. DH doesn't like her to tear around the house because of the wood floors, but when she's all hyped up, there is NO stopping her.

Please, please let the sun come out soon.


We had our first casualty on Pillar Place 2008 -- we lost a little bitty pillar, possibly the smallest one we had. He just ... died. I found his little corpse lying on the box below his food. I know he didn't fall off accidentally, because they actually spin a smidge of webbing to hold on (discovered this when I tried to move a pillar to new food by picking it up instead of letting it crawl on it's own twelve feet).

DD insisted on burying the body (folks... this thing was *maybe* a 1/4" long) outside in her garden. I wouldn't be surprised to go out and find a little, bitty cross there, too.


What I'm reading: I'm still reading "The Hollow" by Nora Roberts. I have to admit, the more I read it, the more I like it. I wonder how other folks feel? Have you read the first two books in this trilogy? Give me your .02 if you have!

What I'm writing: Nuthin. Gah.


I think that the quizzes here may come to an end soon... there just aren't enough to keep from repeating. So, enjoy them while you can!

Your Attention Span is Medium

Your attention span is just about average.

You may think that you have a short attention span...

But being distracted is something most people struggle with.

The most important thing is that you're aware that your mind wanders.

If you find yourself daydreaming, you can usually snap out of it.

It may be tough to concentrate at times, but you can do it... if you want to!


Dru said...

Pretty flowers.

Sorry about the little pillar. Sometimes we need closure even for the littlest one.

You're attention span is amazingly long.

You can concentrate well, and your mind doesn't stray easily.

Even if you have a mundane task to complete, you can get it done easily.

Because you don't get distracted, you accomplish more than most people.

Your self discipline is your greatest strength.

You can will yourself to do almost anything. All you have to do is put your mind to it.

Is Dakota still going to doggy daycare?

Have a good Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Pretty pictures.

But you know what else starts with "P", don't you? ::whispering:: pollen. Shhh, it might get me.

Does Dd stand for Darling dog or Damn dog?

I remember the day Flippy, 9's goldfish, died. He's now fertilizing our tomato plants....

Anonymous said...

Your Attention Span is Medium

Your attention span is just about average.
You may think that you have a short attention span...
But being distracted is something most people struggle with.

The most important thing is that you're aware that your mind wanders.
If you find yourself daydreaming, you can usually snap out of it.
It may be tough to concentrate at times, but you can do it... if you want to!

Huh. I would have sworn my attention span was non-existent. Go figure. *g*

Brandy said...

Awww, Poor Dakota. I hope your weather improves soon. *G*
Sorry to hear y'all lost a pillar.

And I had the same results as Dru for the quiz. *G*

I hope you have a great day!

Dena said...

My attention span was medium too.
Your flowers are very PRETTY.

MJFredrick said...

I love peonies, can't grow them.

I LOVED Blood Brothers, but The Hollow was boring to me. But can't wait for Gage's story, though I'm not thrilled with who he'll end up with. The best heroines in the trilogies are always the first.