Saturday, September 09, 2006

Written in the Stars

The future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face. ~ Jim Bishop

From Astrology for Writers, Editors and Filmmakers

Capricorn: Take some time off if possible. This month is rather uneventful for most Caps. Checks arrive, offers may be made, but you don't have to sign anything until October. Refuse to do so anyway.

Ah yes, take some time off. I see this advice on ALL the writing sites. Not, "write every day" or "butt in chair, hands on keyboard", nope it's always: Take some time off. That is, indeed, wonderful writing advice.

And that contract from Wild Rose? Not signing it. And if WW comes knocking on my door? I'm saying no. After all, my horoscope tells me to right here: ...offers may be made, but you don't have to sign anything until October. Refuse to do so anyway. More sound writing advice for a novice writer -- make those publishers BEG. Put them off for a month or more.


Hey all, here's a nifty contest for you: Life Is Not a Fairy Tale Essay Contest. Write an essay of 250 words or less describing your dream and you could win a trip for two to Los Angeles in May 2007 to see the American Idol® season series finale.

But you have to take me with you.

Show of hands on this one please: How many of you reading this, after finishing your novel doubt the plausibility of the premise? Anyone, anyone? Because I have THREE completed drafts that I'm thinking are utterly ridiculous. I mean, I like them, but that doesn't mean anyone else will. Especially editors. I'm reading through one last night and making notes and thinking "there is no way anyone else is going to think this could really ever happen, I should just chuck the entire thing and start over".

I'm not alone, am I?

Gosh, I could ramble some more, but I'll save it for tomorrow. Have a good day!


Allie Boniface said...

I feel like I *always* doubt the plausibility of my premise. Maybe that's my problem right now. Although for me it's less "no one will ever believe this could happen" and more "no one will care that this could ever happen."

Put them away for a while. Sometimes it helps to pick them up with some distance. I mean, after all, if your horoscope says you should take some time off...

Anonymous said...

*raising hand* I'm having serious doubts about my shapeshifter book at the moment and I'm not even finished with it yet.

Charity Tahmaseb said...

Well, is there a sillier premise than The Geek Girl’s Guide to Cheerleading? Doubtful. A lot of things I’ve enjoyed you could shoot holes in the premise. Romancing the Stone? Pretty silly, if you think about it. Don’t Look Down? I really enjoyed it, but if I felt like it (and I don’t), I could shoot holes in that premise too.

I think the key is in both characters and world building and a little something called verisimilitude. It doesn’t have to be real, it simply has to feel real. I’ve heard it said somewhere that to get the reader to believe the big lie, you fill your story with lots of little truths.