"This manuscript of yours that has just come back from another editor is a precious package. Don't consider it rejected. Consider that you've addressed it ‘to the editor who can appreciate my work’ and it has simply come back stamped ‘Not at this address’. Just keep looking for the right address." - Barbara Kingsolver
I received two manilla envelopes in the mail yesterday. When my daughter brought them in, my heart went to my throat.
One was from Womans World.
One was from Wild Rose press.
WW was a rejection (they'd had my story for just under six months). The worst part is that I actually got my hopes up because they'd had it for so long (I'd shopped for a laptop in my dreams...), the best part is that I made it all the way to the Most High Muckety-Muck and received a nice note back from her, which softened the fact that is was still a no.
I'm clearly getting closer to what they want. The last couple rejections from them came with personalized notes and a bit of feedback from some of the lower Muckety-Mucks and now this. So I'll keep trying. Just not for the next couple of months.
The one from Wild Rose Press was my contract, signed, sealed and delivered. That helped soften the blow a bit, too. Someone likes me...LOL... of course it helps that I don't have an 1100 word limit to try to squeeze a logical love story into (I know, that should be "into which I must try to squeeze a..." but, hey, it's early, things dangle).
The funny thing is that I'd already started to flesh out the WW story for submission to WRP or elsewhere. It's a good story (I'm so humble) and I don't want it to get lost somewhere. I think it needs to be shared.
One of my other WW rejects is now the basis of what I'm going to write for NaNo... so something good is coming out of the bad.
What do you do with your rejections? Do you, like Stephen King, hang them proudly from a hook on your wall? Or do you hide them away, not wanting to see them ever again?
Stocking Up For The Big Freeze
1 day ago
I've saved every one of my rejections, even the ones that were basically just an old photocopy of a two sentence form letter (from the lowest of the low muckety muck). Like you, though, on the day that I got my last R from WW (didn't quite make it up to the top this time, but got a personalized note) I was swept from the depths of dispair (well, not the depths) I got an offer from Samhain. Nee-ner-nee-ner-neeee-ner.
But you have a good idea there, maybe I'll take the one that made it to the top rung (before being swatted off) and lengthen it and submit it elsewhere. In fact maybe I'll revisit some of the others in the next few months instead of trying to tackle a full length this close to Nano.
Thanks for the great idea!!!!
yhdtmq-yesterday hamster decided to make quiche
Sending anything out is a huge achievement, much harder than trying to flirt with that cute guy at the party.
I like the idea of celebrating a rejection letter--if only because it is so contrary to my own natural responses. Maybe I should dig my last one out from where I stuffed it under the car seat and tack it up on the wall: take that Darra Goldstein!
Congratulations on your own two manila envelopes! It seems like good news both ways.
*hugs* on the rejection, but hooray for getting the contract!
(And tonight's Eureka, so that should make today good! :) )
nlrkhqmy - Nine lazy rabbits know how quick Mikey yells
I LOVE EUREKA!!!!! Colin Ferguson (Carter)is currently being considered for model for one of my stories.
Sorry for the hijack. ;)
wujdcb-white unicorns jab daringly cutting badguys. (sorry)
Hey, now if you have to get a rejection, getting one along with a contract is the way to go. Good for you! And seriously, a personal note from the very top at WW is something to be proud of.
You’re doing great. Just hang in there.
Yes indeed, Maria. I can count on one finger the number of personal notes I've gotten, so you are so on the right track!!
What do I do with rejections? Here lately I've been shredding them. At one point I was saving them with the intent on posting them on my web site as viewers tracked my progress, but I never followed through.
Congratulations on the contact!
LOL on the Eureka hijack. I adore that show... Carter is such a great character (although Henry runs a close second).
Yes, simply submitting is something to be proud of. And I've been getting better reactions lately, so I'm doing something right!
Thanks. You're absolutely correct. I was actually pretty tickled that I got my story as far as I did!
Shredding your rejections? EEK! I keep mine and have big plans for a clipboard on the wall to remind me that I'm a step closer every day.
Thanks all!!
ojbusqjz - Only jarheads buy used sardines. Quick! Just zigzag.
I've kept all my rejections (and there are a lot of them), because someday when I am a best-selling author, I'm going to have a book-signing where I put them all on display.
In all seriousness, looking back at that folder makes me feel like I've accomplished something, actually finished a ms. and sent it out there into the big bad world.
Rejection letters are badges of honor. And of courage. Really.
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