In like a lion? I know, I know, that's for spring... but we've just gotten news to expect our first pretty bad winter storm. I'm hoping the National Weather Service is flat out wrong, but just in case, I'm going to do all my errands for the the next couple of days, today. Because it's supposed to smack us hard starting on Sunday and on through Monday (which means DH will be working from home...but that's another story).
Times like these I miss California more than usual. I really, really hate the cold. And the snow. And the ice. And the wind.
Today, we bring a bunch of wood into the garage because, along with the snow, they're predicting high winds. So... we could also loose power (picture me jumping for joy).
Times like these, I wonder how the first settlers here ever survived, and why the HECK they opted to stay. Crazy, crazy people.
DD and I watched "The Santa Clause" yesterday. She loved it. I have the second one requested at the library...she still believes in the old guy, but her faith is beginning to be shaken, so these have been really fun movies for her.
Got one thing off my to-do list yesterday. Only about 15 more to go. In fact, I should probably shut up and get to work... Have a great day!

Check in the mirror—are you turning green? You're acting grinch-cranky and kinda grinch-mean. Yep, you're grinchy! You feel like your head will explode if you see one more cheery-but-fake holiday smile. If you could skip the holidays completely, you would. It sucks to feel this way when everyone else is bursting with joy, but sometimes grinchiness is only temporary. Maybe try the quiz again in a few days?
I think we're getting the same storm.
My holiday mood is... Mrs.Clausy.
You're deckin' the halls and bakin' the cookies. Your home must be the coziest place on earth! During the holidays, you transform your home into a winter wonderland of holiday décor, and spend all your time there, surrounded by people you love (and eating a bunch of those cookies, while they're still warm from the oven).
Have a good weekend and stay warm.
I saw the weather on Intellicast and went.. "Oh, boy!" It looks bad. Y'all stay safe. (You know... you COULD come down here for Christmas.. the flying cockroaches don't make their appearance much during winter) ;-)
I'm Rudolphian (almost looks reptilian, doesn't it?):
Who cares about Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen? You're in the spotlight now! You used to feel like an outsider (missing out on everyone else's reindeer games), but the holiday season is your time to shine. People turn to you for help when life gets dark and cloudy. When you're done brightening everyone's day, you lead your friends to one holiday party after another.
I was just blogging about how much I loved the snow. Here in Texas, its sullen skies, murky clouds, and ugly yellow dead grass. Since we never get snow here, I'm enchanted by it. But hearing your take on it, I don't envy you. I guess I should be thankful after all. I might get a drop of rain, but that's it for today.
Hope you stay safe and warm!
When the weather's cold and bitter, you're a jolly, happy soul—just like Frosty the Snowman! You're thrilled when it's snowy outside, so you feel full of life in the winter. All you want to do is run around town with your friends, having as much fun as possible before the holidays melt away.
I'm only bummer about the storm because our 4-H club is s'posed to ring the bells for the Salvation Army on Monday. We'll probably have to cancel or reschedule.
I was planning on some very fun snacks and crazy Christmas songs. I was even going to wear my antlers.
If you get too grouchy you can IM me Monday, K?
I'm groovyoldlady2
btw, I'm elfish...must be coming out of my "I hate Christmas" mood!
I like having a white Christmas, but before and after, the snow can just stay away. I won't mind a bit.
My holiday mood is... Mrs.Clausy.
You're deckin' the halls and bakin' the cookies. Your home must be the coziest place on earth! During the holidays, you transform your home into a winter wonderland of holiday décor, and spend all your time there, surrounded by people you love (and eating a bunch of those cookies, while they're still warm from the oven).
Um... not so much. *g*
Good luck with the weather and your To Do list!!!! Hope the power stays on.
I didn't take the quiz, but I'd probably be Grinchy or Scroogey right now.
My daughter complained today about our cold weather in Ohio. She wants to move to California. Hope you stay warm!
I'm watching football with hubby so will skip the quiz!
I hope you were able to get your errands done. And you're more than welcome to send that snow to me! *g*
I'm Frosty:When the weather's cold and bitter, you're a jolly, happy soul—just like Frosty the Snowman! You're thrilled when it's snowy outside, so you feel full of life in the winter. All you want to do is run around town with your friends, having as much fun as possible before the holidays melt away.
Have a relaxing sunday!
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