I'm so full of tired, I never quite feel rested. I made myself stay in bed today until 6:30 (even though I was pretty much awake at 5:00) trying to replenish my energy stores. It's frustrating.
In any case, it looks like today might be pretty darn nice. It's COLD but there isn't any wind (like yesterday...brrrr) and the sun is shining. DD really, REALLY wants to go back to the fair, but I just don't think my knee is up to it. Breaks my heart. I'd really like to take her. Wish there was someone else here who could (and would).
We have a HUGE pile o' wood to split as well, and I need to be able to help my DH with that as much as possible, both splitting (yes, I can use a maul) and stacking. THEN, we have more trees to take down for next year's wood at my SIL's house, which is MORE cutting and stacking. I have to be as physically sound as possible for that.
We got a very light frost last night, so I need to decide TODAY whether I'm going to take in all the little tomato plants around my house (I found a pile more over by my chimney ... it's cracking me up. Poor chipmunk is going to wonder what happened to all his winter stores). I'll need to buy a grow light if I do, and then remember to pollinate them, but it would be VERY nice to have homegrown tomatoes through the winter. In fact, maybe I'll grow a few other things like spinach and chard...
And, yes... I'm terribly behind on blog visits. I feel awful -- but I've been buried in LASR/WC/Goddess Fish work that all has a due date of yesterday. I've managed to come by to a few blogs, and will try to get to a few more today. My Google Reader numbers are downright scary, though. Oy.
Hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday!
You Are Fiery |
![]() You are an animated person, and you love to talk. You are naturally outgoing. You are drawn to drama and intensity. Life can be incredibly poignant for you. You are a thrilling person to know. You like to take a walk on the wild side, and you convince your friends to join you. You are quick to act and sometimes quick tempered. You can be quite stormy at times. |
That's about 75% right (HEY... I'm half Portuguese -- we're loud and animated).
I woke up around 430am with a horrible headache so all thoughts of sleeping in went out the window. Headache is gone, but it's too late to go back to bed. Now I'm trying to get some writing done while I wish for slippers or warm socks. Brrr!
Never thought about growing tomatoes indoors. Good idea.
Cute kitty pick. We have 4 babies like that-only orange, orange and white, cream and cream and white. Want one? They're a few weeks away from going to the humane society (they belong to my mom's "stray" who decided to give birth in her garage.) Mama cat is going in to get fixed and the babies are going to look for new homes.
I ALMOST used the kitty today, too. I'm not tired now, but I will be by lunchtime, since I've been up since 5. Yesterday I took a 4 hour nap! That's catch-up for the week.
Ceri, don't tempt me with kittens like that!! I looked at my old lady cat (she'll be seventeen in January) and I know I can't make her last years miserable by adding a kitten to her life. But otherwise? I'd be ALL over it.
Mary -- a NAP. How I'd love a nap. I just am never able to get my brain to stop working no matter how tired I am ... very frustrating. I have nap envy. *G*
I hope today can be relaxing for you and you can sneak in a little nap.
You Are Wise
You are a prudent and rational person. You try not to do anything you regret, and if you do, you learn form your mistake.
You are educated or at the very least knowledgeable. You have a perception that most people lack.
You've learned to be vigilant in your life. You are pretty much always on guard.
No matter how old you actually are, you are quite seasoned. You are experienced and worldly.
This is mostly accurate.
Have a good Sunday.
I wish I had some advice. I'd take it myself. Hugs!!!
I, too, hope you are able to get some rest today. I need some myself.
My quiz results were the same as Dru's.
I hope you find some peace, quiet and energy reserves. today.
I sleep rather good unless my mind is doing an Indy500 about something. Then I'm up for hours until it decides to give it a rest for the night. I hope you manage to catch up on your zZZZzz...
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