It rained pretty much all day yesterday, and I was extremely grateful. Except that it meant Dakota was a little crazy by the time agility came around. I did work with her on new tricks yesterday and she now knows how to speak on command. One of the ladies at agility (who has a multi-talented therapy dog) showed me how to make Dakota dance, and that's next on the list. Then I need to talk to the other lady with a therapy dog and see how she trained her dog to whisper (She'll tell her dog to speak, "ARF!" then says, "Shh...whisper." and her dog will give the smallest, quietest bark ever. It's so cute).
In any case, as a result of being cooped up, this is what she looked like at agility yesterday:

Do you notice the other dogs are pretty well NOT blurry? Dakota was a wiggling mass of energy.
And then there was my DD, the Dog Whisperer:

Dakota did fabulously on the courses, though. Really paid attention and didn't make too many mistakes. I was so pleased. The next competition is the beginning of November and both DD and Dakota are determined to do well (okay, mostly DD).
Now I just need to hurry up and get a camera.
You Are Loving |
![]() You love deeply, and your friends and family especially know this. You are a natural caretaker. You are generous with your time and actions. You are extremely considerate and thoughtful. You like to take your time and do things right. You get very absorbed in your interests. A passionate person like you would be happiest visiting Spain, Portugal, or France. |
Maybe 75%? And I'd love to go to Portugal and Spain...
Go ahead, Dakota. Tell us what you really think.
What a goofy girl. :)
She does look like she's happy to be there! *g* Are you still thinking of having her be a therapy dog?
You Are Curious
You see the world as full of possibilities, and you're sometimes overwhelmed by all the opportunities out there.
You want to learn and understand as much as possible. You are an armchair anthropologist.
You love to travel, and when you aren't able to get away, you are traveling in spirit...sampling new foods and art.
An adventurer like you would be happiest visiting Greece, Argentina, or Turkey.
Huh. Maybe 50% correct. I don't really like to travel, but I am pretty darn curious. *g*
Hope you have a pleasing day!
I love that Dakota is happy to be there.
You Are Creative
You are inspired and inspiring. You are a pro at remixing the world.
You are always creating and arranging things. You know what colors, shapes, and textures go well together.
You love anything that's vivid and bold. Your tastes are not subtle.
An artist like you would be happiest visiting Italy, Japan, or Australia.
This is 90% accurate and how did it know that I want to visit Italy?
I hope you had a great Thursday.
Maria, Dakota ... goofy? What gives you that idea? LOL...
Brandy, I'm absolutely looking into therapy dog training. It's one of the reasons I'm working on so many tricks.
Dru, I'll go to Italy with you!
of course I got distracted by the test
You Are Creative
You are inspired and inspiring. You are a pro at remixing the world.
You are always creating and arranging things. You know what colors, shapes, and textures go well together.
You love anything that's vivid and bold. Your tastes are not subtle.
An artist like you would be happiest visiting Italy, Japan, or Australia.
oh well Italy is next door I might as well hop on over
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