First off ... I gave up on controlling my Google Reader and deleted everything. I'm starting from scratch because the sheer number of unread posts was overwhelming. I did try to visit most of my friends, but if I didn't I'm SO sorry. I'll do my best to not let that craziness happen again.
Now ... moving on.
This is from Groovy. Here's the deal: I'm to answer the following 8 questions made up by Groovy, make up 8 questions of my own, and then tag 8 of you to answer my questions (everyone who's reading ... consider yourself tagged!).
Here are her questions (and my answers, of course!):
1. What do you think are three top qualities to look for in a politician?
This is a tough one for me because ... I don't get political here (which is VERY VERY difficult -- those of you who know me IRL know I have strong political leanings).
1. A belief that government does not exist to take care of people.
2. A belief that problems don't need more money thrown at them.
3. A belief that freedom is the foundation of this country and that the Constitution is not a fluid document.
2. Which do you read more of, fiction or non-fiction? And please give us one awesome book recommendation while you're here...
I probably read more fiction, but it's awfully close. I was just mentioning to my mom the other day that I feel like Tom Cruise's character in Cocktail (remember how he always had a self-help book with him?) because I always have books on nutrition or food near me (though lately, I've had equally as many books on computer software).
Book recommendations?
For fiction: I recently finished "The Search" by Nora Roberts and LOVED it.
For non-fiction: One of the most level-headed authors on nutrition I've ever read is Michael Pollan. I'd strongly recommend reading either (or both!) "In Defense of Food" and "The Omnivore's Dilemma".
3. What is your go-to outfit for dressy occasions? Describe it for us!
Um ... I don't have one? I don't HAVE dressy occasions anymore. I do have a plain black skirt that goes with nearly everything when I have to wear something a little more upscale than jeans. I still OWN fancy clothes, but they were all purchased about 40 pounds ago...
4. What song(s) do you want sung at your funeral? Why?
Maybe this:
Or this (but maybe they could say "A Good Woman"?):
Or this (for my daughter):
Or this:
Okay ... seriously, I don't have clue. Maybe I should think about it?
5. What is your favorite way to unwind?
Unwind? What's that? .... :::think think think:::
Um ...
Reading? Weeding? Maybe watching TV? A like a nice long walk early in the morning when no one else is up.
But, honestly, mostly I just don't unwind.
6. Do you think you could live contentedly in a 2 room home (plus a bathroom, of course)? Why or why not?
Okay, growing up I lived for a few months in a tent with my mom, sister, brother and step-dad. We moved up in the world to a tiny little camper with a shed built on.
After that, a 2 room house is a mansion.
Seriously, I think I could pretty much live anywhere and be comfortable. As long as there was a bathroom.
7. What is your all-time favorite breakfast? (Come on now, make us drool!)
Okay ... again, I'm going "um". I'm not a big breakfast person. Growing up, a special breakfast was going to Denny's and getting their Grand Slam breakfast, though my favorite part was having orange juice. That was SUCH a treat.
As an adult, I've gone from Pop Tarts (mmmmm) to cold cereal to fruit smoothies. Really, for me breakfast is a chore. Next time ask me about dinner...
8. And lastly, are you gonna join me in participating in NaNoWriMo this November? (I hope so!)
Heck yeah!!! See:

For those of you who aren't participating in NaNo, but want to support those of us who ARE? Lynn Viehl created these awesome badges -- feel free to grab one:

Now -- my eight questions for anyone who's brave enough to play (please play! I'll come visit if you leave me a comment saying you're playing ... c'mon, it's fun!):
1. What's one of your worst phobias. Why? Give us an example of a time it affected you.
2. What was your first pet? Tell us a story about it.
3. What color would you never paint your bedroom. Why?
4. What's your guilty pleasure on TV? If you don't watch TV, then what's a guilty pleasure you have in general?
5. What's your least favorite household chore? Why?
6. Most embarrassing moment from your youth?
7. The one song that defines your high school years? Why?
8. Summer or Winter? Why?
You Crave Rest |
![]() You are realistic about your present and future. You have some work cut out ahead of you, but you also think you're up for the challenge. You see love as companionship. You're the type of person who would fall for his or her best friend. You expect other people to get along with you. You seem to always make instant friends. Your inner child is playful. You can have as much fun as any kid! |
I do crave rest ... not so sure about the rest of it!
I'll probably do the meme after the blog tour is over. I like your questions.
PS I like your song selection, "Prop Me Up Beside the Jukebox" That's a great song for a funeral.
You Crave Inspiration
You are optimistic about both your present and your future. Things are going well for you.
You see love as a safe place. You think relationships are based on trust and understanding.
You expect other people to respect you. You are respectful of them in return.
Your inner child is playful. You can have as much fun as any kid! Mostly accurate.
I like your meme! And I'll do it within the next day or so, not sure if my questions will be as good as yours, though.
You Crave Inspiration
You are optimistic about both your present and your future. Things are going well for you.
You see love as companionship. You're the type of person who would fall for his or her best friend.
You expect other people to disappoint you. You're used to not getting what you need.
Your inner child is driven. You like to compete and win, even in silly games.
About 50% accurate.
Hope you had a nice Sunday!
Great questions and answers. Best of luck with NaNo :)
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