That quote, above, illustrates my life the last couple of days -- yes, DH has fallen asleep -- deeply asleep -- before me. And snored. *sigh*
In my family's typically miraculous fashion, both DH and DD are pretty nearly well this morning after one bad day. We seldom get sick here, and when we do it comes and goes at lightning speed (though the one "bad" day really, really stinks).
So ... my DH left to go hunting at the crack of dawn today. Since he believes the smell of soap, deodorant and toothpaste will alert the deer to his presences, he does what he calls "dirtbagging it". But, see, I'm confused. Wouldn't the smell of human sweat and morning breath be equally bad?
DD woke up early with the rest of us, and started doing school immediately (she took yesterday off because she felt yucky). Last year, with DH home all month, her schedule took a big hit and we fell massively behind (which is why we were doing school until July, which was the pits). It's tough to work with him around, because he figures since HE is off, so should we be and he's constantly finding jobs that we have to help with. *sigh*
For MaryC in case you didn't see my comment regarding YOUR comment about student coverage yesterday on health care -- I replied:
I'm not begrudging coverage to college students. The insurance company I worked for covered students up to age 22 and that never significantly affected the premiums.
Our health insurance coverage has remained the same over the past five years and yes, premiums have risen, but only a little. This year I'm paying significantly more for less coverage, and the fact is -- that dependent coverage up to age 26 (regardless of student status, whether or not they live at home, whether or not they are actually dependent on you, and even if they are MARRIED) is one of the things that affected the rates in a big way.
Take it from a former underwriter -- that was a huge change.
And that's all I have to say on health care reform. Well, it's all I'm GOING to say, anyway...
I started reading "The Way of the Cheetah" by Lynn Viehl last night in an effort to prepare more for NaNoWriMo. You can read it, too, if you're interested and for free. She gives you the link to download a copy of your own here.
She's had some really great posts on NaNoWriMo and I've enjoyed each one. You should visit her blog. It's really fabulous.
You Are Classic and Chic |
![]() You don't fall for old fads thinly disguised as new trends. You prefer to stick to what's tried and true. You are wise and savvy. You know history well, and you aren't doomed to repeat it. You aren't scared of much. You prefer to get to the bottom of things rather than wonder about them. You believe that most fear is fear of the unknown, so you try to know as much as possible. |
About 50/50...
You Are Complex and Deep
You are a bit of a contradiction. It's hard to label you or sum you up easily.
You have many interesting layers to your personality... and some of them you keep completely to yourself.
You are open to change, and it's likely that your life has gone through many phases already.
You don't expect anyone else to understand you. You're still trying to understand yourself!
Yah, I guess.
I thought our health care costs weren't supposed to go up? Okay, I'll stop right there.
Good luck to your DH today. Mine is actually planning on some hunting. He hasn't gone for years.
Ready for NaNo? I guess. I'm going to go check out that blog. I need some support. :)
I have all of today "off". We were supposed to be doing riding lessons, but they were cancelled. My only agenda is prep for NaNoWriMo and checking out the local candidates to figure out who I'll vote for.
I'm going to make a character/plot notebook for Molasses Swamp and maybe check out the book you metnioned. BHE thinks it's "cool" that I'm trying to finish my novel, so hopefully he won't complain when I tune everyone out and TYPE!
am nanoing too.
human sweat might smell a bit like animal scent (dunno never been hunting b4 or even really seen a gun) but i bet no deer can ever come up smelling like soap and perfume.
I/m glad your house is well again. And if DH is hunting you have time to WRITE. Good luck.
You Are Welcoming and Optimistic
You are free spirited and warm hearted. You expect the best in your life.
You find it easy to make friends. You count on people and want them to count on you in return.
You open your home and heart up to anyone. You're always willing to help someone out in need.
You see the best in people, and all you can hope is that they'll see the best in you too.
I'm glad DH and DD are on the mend.
re quiz: I'm also classic and chic.
I hope you get to do some writing.
Have a good Saturday.
Sorry about the snoring - I hate that when my hubby goes to sleep first and snores. Good that no one stayed sick long.
I don't like the loopholes with covering adult children on their parents' insurance until 26. I don't think they should be when they are no longer dependent on you and are married. Just my opinion.
I won't comment on the healthcare tidbit, but will just say I'm ticked ours will be going up significantly next year. Bleh.
Here a lot of hunters use that deer urine in a bottle scent to mask themselves. Yuck.
I hear you on the snoring. Hubs snores and drives me batty. I usually shove him until he rolls over and stops. *g*
You Are Welcoming and Optimistic
You are free spirited and warm hearted. You expect the best in your life.
You find it easy to make friends. You count on people and want them to count on you in return.
You open your home and heart up to anyone. You're always willing to help someone out in need.
You see the best in people, and all you can hope is that they'll see the best in you too.
Pretty spot on. *g* I hope you have a marvelous day!
Our health care is going up too--and less coverage. Help like that I don't need.
You already know my opinion of the healthcare thing, so I'll just move along. ;)
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