How can it be Tuesday? I didn't finish everything on my list for Monday! And, it's not only Tuesday, but it's LATE Tuesday morning (for me). **Sigh**
Hey, thanks for all the comments on my cover yesterday. You know, now that you (many of you) mention it, "Mike" does look like Peter from "Heroes". Huh...
And, Eileen cracked me up with her comment: It's like a "Choose Your Adventure" book, only with men. For those of you who don't know, Eileen has a wicked sense of humor. She also has a book coming out in February ("Unpredictable") that I am dying to read... I read the first bit (posted on her agents blog about a hundred years ago) and have been antsy ever since. If you like a funny romance, bet you'll love her book! Grab a copy when it releases next week.
Worked like a dog yesterday setting up more tour dates. I got an amazing response from the other Sweeter Romantic Notions authors and the Samhain Authors. You know what? With very few exceptions, I've found that other romance authors are really, really nice people!! I shouldn't be surprised, but I am in a way. Consider that we all must have at least a little bit of ego to think that anyone would be interested in reading what we write. Add to that basic competition for sales, and you'd think it would be all dog-eat-dog.
Not so. I'm proud to be part of this wonderful group of people. It's incredible.
Your Daily Dakota -- "Want to play?":

You Are Running on 67% Adrenaline |
![]() Your Adrenaline Level: Borderline Dangerous You're running around so fast, you don't realize how quickly life is passing you by. While you may be getting a lot done, you're on the go lifestyle is probably wearing you out. |
What a cutie wienie dog!
I got my "Unpredicatble" book the other day. I forgot I pre-ordered it like MONTHS ago. That was a nice surprise on my doorstep. :)
I'm in denial that January is almost over. Where did the month go? I'm so behind with writing and I have a pile of RITA books to read, too!
Oh, and two of my kids are showing an interest in being homeschooled so I need to research that. Yikes!
Well, I thought it was Wednesday today, so you're doing better than I am.
I know it's tuesday because monday exhausted me! Can it be friday now? *g* I have faith that everything you need to do will get done.
My adrenaline level is: High. You are running on 59% Adrenaline.You often feel like you are running on empty. And it doesn't feel great!
Slow it down a little - even if it means not getting everything done.
Sounds about right.
Have a good day!
This is sad....
You Are Running on 75% Adrenaline
Your Adrenaline Level: Borderline Dangerous
You're running around so fast, you don't realize how quickly life is passing you by.
While you may be getting a lot done, you're on the go lifestyle is probably wearing you out.
Is adreneline anything like chocolate?
Did someone say chocolate? I thought 6:49 pm was 6:49 am, so I've got you all beat...
Hmm, I'm going to go and check out Eileen's book.
I'm glad that you are doing well with your upcoming virtual book tour.
aaawww,look at Dakota. She's a cutie.
You Are Running on 18% Adrenaline
Your Adrenaline Level: Low
You aren't running on adrenaline at all.
You take life at a leisurely pace - and enjoy every moment!
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