What’s your favorite book that nobody else has heard of? You know, not Little Women or Huckleberry Finn, not the latest best-seller . . . whether they’ve read them or not, everybody “knows” those books. I’m talking about the best book that, when you tell people that you love it, they go, “Huh? Never heard of it?”
That would probably be "Getting Rid Of Bradley", hands-down my favorite book by Jennifer Crusie. It's the first book of hers I read, I absolutely fell in love with it, I still love it, I laugh all the way through and am in awe at her ability to make the absurd work. Her characters are well-rounded and memorable. There just wasn't anything I didn't like about this book.
How many of you have heard of it?
I'm feeling a *little* better today. Slept in again until about 5:30 (I know, I'm a crazy woman) and don't feel as fuzzy. I think I'm finally over this thing -- I shouldn't complain. It was a four day cold. It's just, I'm seldom sick and it really annoys and frustrates me when I am.
The DD has been practicing her photography skills, so I give the you the Daily Dakota via an 8 y.o.'s eyes:

And here is one of her vulture impression I mentioned the other day -- her head down, shoulder blades up.

She isn't allowed in the basement -- that's where the cat food and litter box are kept, so whenever we go down there, she stands at the top and stares. And stares. And stares.
To be honest, I'm surprised she hasn't tried to go down there yet. Maybe she's not such a rotten dog after all :-)
Hey! Charity gave me the heads-up that "Don't Fence Me In" finally made the overall best sellers list at The Wild Rose Press. It's barely hanging on at number ten, but at least it made it! Yay!
Thanks, C.
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The scary thing is that I know most of these because my DD has learned them in her FOURTH grade history class.
Jennifer Crusie!! She's one of the bestselling authors so yeah, I have definitely heard of her and read some of her books too. And I find them most entertaining. :)
I have you to thank for hooking me on Jenny Crusie! Any of her novels is fun to read, and Getting Rid of Bradley is definitely one of her best!
That's a great picture of Dakota that your DD took -- nicely done!
DD did a magnificent job with Dakota's picture! Tell her I said so... I am very impressed. And, I've never heard of that book by Crusie (of course, we are all very surprised by that, huh? ;-))
Jennifer Crusie is also one of my favorite authors. Getting Rid of Bradley is good, but I like all her books so much I don't think I can choose a favorite!
I have not heard of her! Next time I will look out for her books!
I don't know about my *favorite* that no one's ever heard of, but a current favorite is The Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz. It's a hysterical mystery novel about a family of dysfunctional private eyes.
Not only have I heard of Jennifer Crusie, I have the ORIGINAL Getting Rid of Bradley when it was released as a Temptation. *g*
DD captured Dakota perfectly on the camera!
Glad to hear you are feeling better, have a good day!
I've heard of the author but not read any of her books. Your dog is just beautiful; great photography :)
I've heard of Getting Rid of Bradley! I've even read it. *g*
I'm glad you're feeling a ltitle better.
Love the pictures! Could Dakota be scared of the basement stairs? Might be why she stays upstairs. :)
I got 6/8 questions right, too! Whew! *g*
Funny, I was just thinking of a similar topic; what author do you love that probably no one else has heard of. My mom and I discovered Marlys Millhiser years ago with The Willing Hostage, and then Nella Waits, Michael's Wife and The Mirror. I see she has more books out. I could read her books over and over again. I like her heroines. They're always a little lost.
I do know Jennifer Crusie's books! I have read a couple of her books and have like them all. I have not read "Getting Rid of Ridley" yet but I need to get a copy of that one soon :) But you right, Cruise's books are always funny and yummy heroes! And you know, you right...we both sure do have similiar tastes in books :)
I'm glad to hear you're feeling lot better from your cold! I hope you get 100% better though. And that is cute pictures of Dakota! Always enjoy seeing picture of Dakota :) have a good Thursday and good weekend ahead!
Julia - Yen
I've never heard of that book, but I recently read a book by Jennifer Cruise.
I posted this on Judy's blog, but my favorite book that most have never heard of is Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.
DD took a great shot of Dakota. Do we have a photographer in the making?
I'm glad you're feeling better.
Love the vulture pose - animals are TOO funny!
Getting Rid of Bradley is a classic category romance! I'd be surprised if romance readers hadn't heard of that one.
You Passed 8th Grade US History
Congratulations, you got 6/8 correct!
I read Getting Rid of Bradley after I met Jennifer C. several years ago at workshop in Cincinnati. I still remember it.
Drawing a blank about author I've read that isn't well-known.
I love Jennifer Crusie but I haven't heard of that particular book.
p.s.I live in MA, very close to NH.
I just finished Getting Rid Of Bradley and absolutely loved it!
Thanks for the recommendation!
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