I've been looking all season for a new sweater or sweatshirt that fits. This shouldn't be this much of an ordeal. I'm an average sized woman ... or so I thought. The sweaters are all, without exception, body-hugging, show-every-roll, snug. Why do people wear those things? Even slim people look fat in them. And the sweatshirts? Is it possible that I have abnormally long arms? Every woman's sweatshirt I have tried on hits me mid-radius.
Is it too much to ask to find something that fits, that I don't have to buy at a boutique? Yes, boutique clothes do fit me properly, as they should, but a $200 sweatshirt isn't in my budget.
I can (and do) wear men's sweatshirts, because they fit me... but somedays I just really want to look like a girl.
I made teriyaki veggie noodles for dinner last night. I made a TON, because they're labor intensive (lots of chopping and separate cooking of things), but they're so GOOD. My DD did a little dance of joy when I told her that was what dinner would be.
Do you ever think you'll die if you don't eat a particular thing? I HAD to have teriyaki noodles last night. Had. To. Nothing else would have worked. Once the thought popped into my head, you could have paraded a hundred different dishes in front of me, and I would have refused every one.
Those kind of cravings don't hit me often, but when they do? Look out...
And, no. I'm not pregnant.
I got my final proof for "One Love For Liv". Nothing like taking it down to the wire. I need to hump it, and get it checked through... but, to be honest, I'm really kind of sick of looking at the story. I've read through it about ten times since I signed the contract. And, while I believe it's a good book, after awhile even good books get a little old. Especially when you're reading for grammar and typos and not for fun.
I also got final edits on "A Change of Heart". I'm ready to put that story to bed, too.
I really need to get humping on something new. Erhm... I mean, I need to finish my mystery. (Really, Jen, that's what I meant!!).
For those inquiring minds... yes, I will post all of my virtual tour stops. The complete list will be on my website, but I'll post a link to that list here in a sticky note AND I'll let you know, day-by-day where I'm going to be so you can come visit. I don't want to be alone! :-)
I still have some dates available, if you're interested in hosting me. Hint. Hint.
The Daily Dakota... keeping up with the big kids!

You can't see it, but she has her leash in her mouth. Baily used to do that, too. I wonder why? It's only when they run... odd...
What Your Dreams Mean... |
![]() Your dreams seem to show that you're a bit disturbed... but nothing serious. You may have a problem you're trying to work out in your sleep. Your dreams tend to reflect your insecurities. You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind. |
Muh-ha-ha... I am DISTURBED. Actually, I think I'm just a little nuts. Aren't all writers?