The Future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. ~ C.S. Lewis
The Wild Rose Press yahoo group has asked that different authors "guest moderate" for a week to stir things up a little. I decided that, perhaps by August I wouldn't be so crazy busy (Of course, we'll be starting school again that last week, but I'm trying to think positive). I signed up for the last week in August -- to celebrate my one year anniversary with The Wild Rose Press.
One year. Wow. I looked back on my blog at the announcement, and was horrified at one of the potential author photos I posted. It was horrible! Yikes.
Actually, TWRP only celebrated its own one year anniversary in March. It's amazing how busy they've gotten since then. They've accepted contracts from several Golden Heart winners. And, apparently they picked up at least one author who asked for and received her rights back on her Triskelion series, because I saw her on the loop yesterday. Some big talent is really starting to support the press. I'm excited.
I've decided that my Yellow Rose novella is finished. I did some massive edits and am happy with how it's panned out. Yesterday I worked on the synopsis. Ugh. I read in Kristin Nelson's most recent newsletter that she doesn't read synopses -- just the query -- and I love her. I wish everyone was the same.
I'm still trying to get one of my novels ready for submission. Liv's is the closest, but her story is the one that I was derailed on the past week. I have to give it some thought before I go back.
I'd love to finish Tish's story -- hers was the first I finished as an adult and it has a special place in my heart. I like the entire story, I'm just trying to get the setup/opening right and then I think it'll be fine. But, man oh man, this one has a weird premise, so making the setup believable is tough. I've changed it and rewritten it about a hundred times.
I'm still blocked on my short stories. A couple have characters I adore, but I can't seem to move forward with them. Maybe if I do a couple writing prompts with the characters something will click. That's a good idea.
I'm glad the flowers were a hit yesterday. I had the columbine one as the wallpaper on my computer. I *think* the rain might ease off today. Last night when I went out to retrieve the bird feeders (I bring them in every night because of our bear in the backyard -- my neighbor told me it got into her son's beehive a couple weeks ago. Yikes!) I wanted to cry at all the weeds. I'd made a vow to keep on top of them this year, but since I haven't been able to get out there much over the past couple weeks, they've gotten away from me again.
Judy mentioned time capsules in her post today. I wonder how much things will change by the time our children are old... I said something to my DD that by the time she's my age, she'll probably be able to exchange her defective eyes for new ones. Can you imagine going down to the local eyeball store and choosing a new set?
In the article Judy references, the woman mentions putting in a grocery receipt. I figure that would probably fade in a year or two, but what about a grocery story flyer? Bet that would shock people fifty years from now! I already sound like a grandma when I say things like: I can remember when a gallon of gas cost $0.48, or a postage stamp was $.07, or a Breyer horse was $15 (they were my passion and what I spent all my allowance on -- I still have most of them). Of course, I also remember eight track tapes and only having four channels on the TV and using rabbit ears as antennas.
Things change so quickly.
I'd include the newspaper in my capsule. Maybe a current CD and/or DVD. A bestselling book. The JC Penney catalog. A letter from me just gabbing about stuff -- something I do well :-)
What would you put in your time capsule?
Have a great day!
Review Tour: Sunset Bay by Karen Stewart
8 hours ago
Ah, Breyers. I used to collect them too, and play with them hard. I had a collection of well over 100 which I had to sell to pay the rent one month. I was heartbroken. Since then I've restored some of the herd, but they stay in boxes now when I buy them new. Its not the same.
From my childhood I'd put in the Sears Wishbook that always came before Christmas. I loved that catalog!
Guess what!?!?!
The next Breyer mare is MY HORSE! No, really, I'm not kidding. They used the mare that I ride every day as the model. The United States Equestrian Team is doing a fundraiser series of stallion, mare and foal--and one of the local Olympians' stallions is the stallion. He didn't own a mare, but he knows my mare (who is a girly girl) from the show circuit, so he sent them to my farm. The artist fell in love with her, and used her as the model... and fell in love with a foal of mine, too.
It's in "final production"--they're doing the castings now. I guess it will come out in the next month or two. I can hardly wait.
Photos of her here
I'd stick a Sunday newspaper complete with ads and TV guide, a Barbi or doll, a pokemon card, a star wars action figure, a magazine probably EW and a fashion one, too, a book (probably one of mine!), fave movie and cd, some pictures and a day in the life of sort of letter.
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