con·test [n. kon-test; v. kuhn-test]
1. a race, conflict, or other competition between rivals, as for a prize.
It's that time again -- time for BUY A FRIEND A BOOK WEEK! What a great excuse to go out and get a book for someone, maybe introduce them to a new genre or share a book that you love. It's awesome to send a gift to someone, out of the blue, don't you think?
In honor of the week, I'm giving away a $5 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press (enough to buy a full sized eBook -- though you can certainly use it to buy several short stories instead!) -- and all you have to do is post a comment sometime this week. Every comment you leave gives you an entry -- so come back every day and say hello! I'll hold this contest all week (April 1 - April 7, 2007) and let my DD choose a name randomly at the end of her day (usually around 8:00 p.m.) on 4/7 and will announce the winner the morning of April 8th.

Sound exciting? Let me know what you think. You know what? I just this moment decided to start a bit early and will put all of today's comments in the pot as well. Enter early, enter often and tell a friend!
EDITED TO ADD: I'll put links to other BAFABW contests here (if you, or someone you know, is having a contest leave me a comment and let me know).
Karen is giving away a book of your choice from Amazon, up to a $15 value!
Judy is giving away a book of your choice from Amazon, up to a $20 value!
Amanda is giving away a book of your choice, up to a $15 value!
Susan Helene Gottfried is giving away several books, (but you'll have to check her site for the details)!
The Egret's Nest is giving away a book, up to a $25 value!
Two books are up for grabs at Verbatim!!
Booklogged is giving away three books from her own collection!
Framed and Booked is giving away your choice of a book from Amazon, up to $15 value.
Literary Feline is giving away the book of your choice, up to $15!
I'll keep updating as more contests pour in.
Hi Marianne! GREAT idea! I never thought about ebooks!! I would love to win that gift certificate. I'm in!
Thanks for participating!
Me, too! Great idea!
Hmm, nice idea, though I think you should tell DD she can only pull names of people whose picture have actually appeared in your blog posts ;)
Just kidding. I guess.
I'm in and my contest is up. Come and visit.
Great idea for a contest. I would have never considered the ebook angle. Don't add me though. I like to turn pages and already am so far behind in my reading I doubt I'll catch up anytime soon!
Marianne, thanks for including me in your list!! That's really great of you. (but please, since I'm trying to give away books of my own, no need to consider this a contest entry. Just a thank you for a kind deed)
I, too, like that you're involving e-books. I'll probably always prefer reading hard copy, but I think the e-book industry is going to explode. In a good way.
Marianne, my post is up for the BAFAB week. It's on my Reader's Journal.
Count me in. And thanks for entering my BAFAB contest. Please include me in your list.
I decided to join in the fun too, Marianne. I'm looking forward to giving a book away! I only wish I could give everyone a book of their choice.
Hey there! Just stopping in to say hi. Haven't been here in a while and since, ahem, DD and I have such close birthdays, I'm sure her little fingers will be magnetically drawn to the correct name. ;-)
You're doing good blog work!
Great idea! Just started a BAFAB contest of my own! Thanks!
Shake your BAFAB!
Umm ... I saw that you left a comment on my post ... but there was nothing there. Probably because I was editing the post (I accidentally posted it before I had completely nailed down the contest) and it didn't accept your post. All I know is you commented. And if you commented too early, you may have read something about a contest which I was contemplating, but hadn't actually decided to do. (Again, stupidly accidentally hitting publish) There is a contest, yes, but it may have different stuff than you thought.
Long story short, I'd love to see what you said. Try again?
Ok. Fixed. I blame Blogger since I never turned comments off.
I hope I'm still in on the book draw. All that snow is headed out way for tomorrow morning. Boo. Happy Easter
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