Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella. ~ Pepper Giardino
I have little to say... I'm still feeling shocked that we're expecting the latest "storm of the century" up here. I am hoping it'll come in the form of rain -- selfishly, I suppose, since our home is on high ground and wouldn't flood. It's just that, if we get it as snow, it's going to be a mess everywhere. They're anticipating 60 mph winds along with it, so power outages are almost a certainty. Thankfully, we have a wood stove for heat BUT we rely on power to get water from our well (no potty flushing without it), and don't have a generator. OTOH, we do have a creek out back AND if it's raining (or snowing), we have access to water from heaven :-)
I picked up a few gallons of drinking water, just in case. And we always have extra food on hand, so that's not an issue. I'm just seriously bummed, and hope all the hoop-la is for nothing, that the storm will just drift off to see down in Virginia somewhere.
It's expected to hit beginning on Sunday, so if I drop offline Sunday or Monday, you'll understand what happened.
The worst thing is, it's supposed to be just gorgeous today, and I'm having a difficult time enjoying that because of what's following behind! (Memo to myself: Enjoy the moment you're in!).
Gay, if I could come visit, I would... California's looking pretty good right now (Of course, to me, California always looks good -- I miss my home state).
Anno, I don't think we're getting the same storm that hit you guys -- that one came through yesterday. This storm is coming from the southwest (thus becoming a nor'easter -- the worst kind of storms for us) and looks like it'll miss your neck of the wood entirely.
In the meantime, if you haven't entered this weeks contest to win a book, what are you waiting for??
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
1 hour ago
Aargh...I know, I feel the same way!! I"m definitely hoping for just rain down here. No more snow! Please!!
I'm hoping it's "just" rain for you. Stay warm & dry & safe!
Ah yes, lots of liquid sunshine. Sorry, trying to be an optomist here. Not doing such a hot job of it.
I'm facing my final edits to my WCP book. Have to have it back to my editor today. If I look at another computer screen after that I'll curl up under my desk and sob.
ogqevq-only girls quickly engage verbal quips
Isn't that weird? I've been doing the same thing; focusing on the storm to come instead of enjoying today's beauty. Thanks for the reminder!
And as for the storm itself, let's look at it as a setting for a novel, eh?
I am so over this freaky weather. And we're not getting it as badly as you guys. *hugs*
Hugs on the weather, Marianne. I hope it's not too bad!!!
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