Tess Gerritsen says it so well...check out her blog post:
No romance, please. We’re mystery readers.
Book Blast: Smoke & Mirrors by Joanie Olson
3 days ago
Yahoo Horoscopes (the quickie):Oooohh... that one hurts.
Resist the urge to go the easy route -- it's the challenges that teach you the most.
Horoscope.com:Anyone else feeling a little "woo-woo"?
There is very little Earth energy around today and this may leave you feeling a little rootless and even confused about your direction in life in general.
Myway.com Horoscopes:Oh, goody. So no only am I going to be blocked, I'm going to be broke, too! The fun never ends.
Your relationship with the material world is undergoing a slow and profound change as your approach to possessions becomes increasingly philosophical. But this may not be by choice as resources have become more limited, especially in your dealings with other people. Running into financial roadblocks may not be a lot of fun, but your new outlook will surely be healthier in the long run.
Last But Not LeastAnyone care to join me?
1. Last time you ate Kraft Dinner?
I have no idea. I usually make mac and cheese from scratch.
2. Last thing you bought yourself for no practical purpose whatsoever?
*scratches head* I have no idea. I bought myself a shirt yesterday -- first time I'd purchased any new clothes for myself in I don't know how long. But I'm a pretty practical person, so unless you count clothes or books as impractical (and how could you -- they are both necessary for life), I can't remember the last time.
3. Last time you left the country?
When I was twelve years old, visited my brother in Del Rio, Texas and we crossed the border into Tijuana. I know, I'm wild and crazy...
4. Last time you did a crossword puzzle?
A couple days ago? I love crossword puzzles and will do them online frequently. Brain food, you know.
5. Last photograph you took?
This one at the Dinosaurs! exhibit at our local children's museum:
Book ValueAnyone care to join me?
1. Favorite Book You've Read?:
It's odd... but whenever I'm asked this question, I automatically go back in time to the books of my childhood. Do you suppose that's because the books I've read as an adult are forgettable or don't stand the test of time?
Books that have made an impression on me, to the point that I couldn't wait to share them with my daughter: Black Beauty (I've read this so many times I've lost count -- it is, by far, the most loved book in my possession), The Prydain Chronicles -- especially The High King, and A Wrinkle in Time.
2. Favorite Book Character?:
Again, I find myself drifting back. Strangely, one of the most memorable characters for my was Ozma from Ozma of Oz. I loved, Loved, LOVED the fact that she could change her head (and therefore her hair color and style and her eye color) every day. Apparently, even as a child I had issues with my looks because, despite that fact that she was evil, I wanted to be her just so I could change heads.
3. Favorite Book Genre?:
Romance of course. But I have a difficult time reading category. I like to have something else challenge me: a mystery, a vampire or whatever. One of the reasons I enjoy Dean Koontz novels is because, along with all that genetic manipulation (or whatever) there's always a romance that makes me sigh.
Still, I read pretty much anything. I have the latest Michael Palmer in my TBR pile, an old Dean Koontz that I've read a dozen times and a YA. Oh, and about forty romances -- but they're all suspense or paranormal.
4. Hardcover or Paper Back?:
No preference. I don't buy hardcovers because I can't afford them. If it's a book I'm dying to read (like "Innocent in Death" for instance) I'll check it out at the library to read and then buy it when it comes out in paperback. You won't find many hardcovers on my shelves, and the ones that are there were gifts, with the exception of "Don't Look Down", which I did splurge on when it came out. I'd forgotten about that until I glanced over at my bookshelf...
DD: "Is that your writing?"
Me: "Yes."
DD: "Why do you change it after you write it?"
Me: "Because it can always be better."
DD: Looks at all the red marks. "Gee, you sure made a lot of mistakes."
Me: Defensive. "They aren't mistakes, I'm just making it better!"
Booking Through ThursdayWas it my imagination, or was there a sneer in there?
So, in honor of Valentine's Day . . .
Love stories? Yes or No?
Of course, yes, yes a million times yes! Even Dean Koontz includes romance in his novels... do you think I read "Watchers" for the genetically modified monster? Nope, I read it for the love story (well... and the dog).
If yes, "romances" as a genre? Or just, well, stories that have love stories? (Nobody's going to call "Pride & Prejudice" a "romance," right?)
Here, I have to disagree. I absolutely believe "Pride and Prejudice" was a romance. It was very definitely an exploration of the biases that occurred during the period BUT is was, IMHO, first and foremost a romance.
And, yes, romance as a genre. I have to admit that I'm not in love with most category romance, but it's a good love story that I look for when I'm choosing a book. I just prefer a strong plot to go along with it.
1. You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
Blue water by A. Manette Ansay
2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
I read romance... I crush on practically every hero I read! I loved Cal from Bet Me, and all three heroes in Nora Roberts "Chesapeake Bay" series, definitely Brody from THE BOOK (not, oh-so NOT the movie) Angels Fall. And there are so many more.
3. The last book you bought is:
The Rest Falls Away by Colleen Gleason.
4. The last book you read:
Angels Fall by Nora Roberts (I had to re-read it and get the awful movie out of my brain)
5. What are you currently reading?
Heartbreaker by Julie Garwood
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
You, on a Diet by Mehmet C. Oz and Michael F. Roizen
6. Five books you would take to a deserted island.
Oh, this is impossible.
I'd have to cheat and take some of those series composites that they publish now... something like Nora Robert's Donovan Family series, or the Born In series.
Maybe if I took the Lord of the Rings, I'd actually finally finish "Return of the King".
I'd probably grab Anne McCaffrey's "Dragonriders of Pern".
Maybe an encyclopedia.
And lastly, I'd definitely take some really big, comprehensive survival guide.
7. Who are you going to to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
I'm not tagging anyone specific ... but if you read this and want to play, feel free!
Capricorn -- You will discover the secret to becoming a great artist! You can stick anything you want on the wall, the trick is to make people think deep thought went into it. For example, spray-paint a bathroom plunger gold, and stick little angel wings on it. Call it "Life In The Details."Sounds a little like my writing. I fool a lot of people into thinking that deep thought went into it. I'll tell you a secret... come closer... you ready? I'm not deep. Shhh... don't tell anyone.
If you're feeling distant or detached around a romantic partner or a close friend today, take it as a sure sign that you need to spend some time alone soon. Your emotions may be telling you that aligning yourself so closely with this person, while wonderful in many ways, could be causing you to lose sight of your own objectives in life. You don't have to isolate yourself for a week on a deserted island -- simply enjoying a quiet night to yourself may be all you need.Oddly enough, this is my one night I actually do get to myself. DH plays hockey on Fridays. I love this. I get control of the television... my one and only day of the week. Now, if I can just stay up past 8:00 it'll be awesome!
You’re likely to be in a very determined mood today, but the negative influence of the moon could make you appear a little distant and a little short with people. You’ll need to draw on all your reserves of warmth to keep things sweet; keeping a piece of blue agate might help enormously.Well, crap, I'm all out of blue agate.
A confidential connection offers advice in business. Your financial prospects definitely improve now! However, an ethical question nags. Do your best to get through unsettling demands on your time.Glad to hear about that whole financial thing. You see, my clothes dryer just broke and I have my heart set on this great new washer/dryer set that's going to cost a couple grand. Ouch.
Missing Thai Woman Reappears 25 Years After Boarding Wrong Bus - This one boggles my mind. I'm horrified at what this poor woman had to go through, not to mention her family!I look at some of these stories (I won't even go into the married w/three kids astronaut/kidnapper/attempted murderer) and flash back to the times that my study group reads my writing (or anyone else's for that matter) and says, "That's hard to believe."
Atlanta Father Admits Intentionally Poisoning Children in Attempt to Sue Campbell Soup Co. - What? Just... what???
Michigan Man Pleads No Contest to Sex Pact With Girlfriend, 15-Year-Old Daughter - Yeah, the man's a creep and should be jailed. But the mom? Should be shot.
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1. The Rest Falls Away by Colleen Gleason (it's sitting there on my shelf, beckoning me ... but I have work to do first) 2. The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes by Jennifer Crusie, Eileen Dreyer and Anne Stuart(it isn't out yet, but it will be... it will be...) 3. The Boys Club by Charity T. (of course, this one isn't published - yet - but I have high hopes) 4. Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer (again, not out yet ... I have a lot to look forward to this year) 5. Paradise USA by Allie Boniface (Not out yet, but it will be soon!) 6. In The Stars by Eileen Cook (not out yet... are you sensing a theme?) 7. Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward (Nope, not out yet) 8. Firestorm by Rachel Caine (Hey! This one's actually been released!) 9. White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz (this one is actually in my home) 10 - 13. Don't Tell, Have You Seen Her?, I'm Watching You, and Nothing to Fear -- all by Karen Rose (and HEY! These have been released, too!) Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Um... you'll have to look in my comments section cuz I can't seem to get that cute little box to work. Sorry :-( |
Booking Through Thursday
What are your reading habits? Do you tend to read at specific times during the day, or does it vary from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute?
I read whenever I can (which isn't often enough): while I eat (I know, I know... you're not supposed to do that. Too bad.), while I cook dinner (reading and stirring are easy enough to do -- it's not like patting your head and rubbing your tummy), sitting in the TV room with DH while he channel flips (I HATE channel flipping -- really, how can a guy see if he likes something in only four seconds?), before bed. I wish I could set up a "regular" time to read. Maybe I'd get more of it done then!