Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An Owie

The marathon push I did to build the new LASR website over Christmas hurt my shoulder... and it doesn't want to get better. I'm having a hard time working on the computer, so I'm just going to say "Good morning" and then do the work I HAVE to do.

So frustrating. I was determined to catch up on everyone's blogs. Write. And now I'm falling behind even more because if I spend too long on the computer it feels like someone is stabbing a red hot branding iron into the muscle between my spine and right shoulder blade.

Wish I could swing a few massage visits...

Someday, I'll be caught up and healthy folks. And then I can visit you daily again. I MISS you.


Your Vocabulary Score: A

Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!

You must be quite an erudite person.




Andrea Allison said...

I know how you feel. I'm kind of behind on things as well. Just got to take one task at a time. I'm sure you'll catch up on everything.

Dru said...

Take care of yourself and I hope you shoulder feels better soon.

Your Vocabulary Score: A-

Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!
You must be quite an erudite person.

Brandy said...

I hope your shoulder feels better soon. Sounds like a pinched nerve. REST!
Oh, my quiz results were the same as yours.

Wishing you a good week!