It was a beautiful weekend, weatherwise, here. Lots of sun and pretty warm (in the 60s during the day). Plants are popping up everywhere. The front of my house is happy (though this picture doesn't do it justice):

I broke down and bought some veggies. I got 24 tomato plants (I might get a few more) and I bought seeds for pickling cucumbers, foot long pole beans and butternut squash which I will plant tomorrow after the new moon (plant above ground plants when the moon is waxing, plant below ground/root crops when the moon is waning). If I soak them overnight, they should sprout in a week or less. I expect to be able to plant my entire garden in the next week or two -- no frost in the forecast!
And I bought a six pack of salad greens for fun:
I'm glad it was sunny and nice, because my attitude was not (which is why I didn't do a lot of visiting over the weekend with anyone on their blogs). It was one of those times when I was fed up with everything. Luckily, DH and DD were gone all Saturday and didn't have to put up with me :-)
Sadly, my biz partner, Judy, did. She's a good egg and I'm lucky to have her around.
Hopefully, this week will mark a better attitude for me. Things should be back to normal pretty much (routinewise), the weather is supposed to be *pretty* good and I have my fingers crossed that nothing out of the ordinary happens (unless I win the lottery ... that would be an okay, out of the ordinary thing. ::wink::).
My daughter donated a few pieces of jewelry to the Brenda Novak auction again this year (which started yesterday). They are here:
Set of 3 Earrings--Cats Eye & molded Glass on Silver Wires from Distinctively DD
Yellow Glass Bead and Silver Jump Ring Necklace from Distinctively DD
Red and Silver Glass Bead Bracelet and Earring Set from Distinctively DD
Even if you don't bid, there is a Facebook "like" link under each auction header that will share the auctions on your FB page -- I'd love if you shared it with your friends (and any other auction links that tickle your fancy). It's a great cause.
And now, I will leave you with a few other spring flower pictures from around my place, because no bad mood can stand up to the cheerful face of a daffodil (or a goofy dog):
You See the Outside World as Fascinating |
![]() You are simply brilliant. You are bright, intelligent, and creative. You can't describe your feelings easily - even to yourself. Your emotions are a mystery. You are a truth seeker. You are willing to accept the real truth, no matter how difficult it is. You are not prone to compromise. You're set in your ways and proudly so. |
That's pretty close to right ... which always unnerves me a bit.
That dog could give us all lessons. LOL. She looks so comfy.
Lots of storms here still. I'm hoping the hard rains won't wash away the seedlings I put down a couple of days ago.
Dakota makes me smile.
I hope this week is a good one for you.
You See the Outside World as Glorious
You don't like to speculate about the future. You prefer to live fully in the present.
You don't get caught up in flights of fancy. You are down to earth.
People are always more important than things. Things are replaceable; people are not.
You are content to let people be who they are. You never try to change anyone.
This is 90% accurate.
Have a great Monday.
Awww, Dakota is so cute. Glad you had a good weekend. Mine personally kind of sucked. Lots and lots of drama.
I didn't know about planting during the moons phases. We planted our garden (most of it) this weekend. Though we went way smaller than you did! *g*
Sorry your Sunday didn't go well.
You See the Outside World as Peaceful
You don't need a lot of excitement. Your best days are calm days.
You see beauty everywhere, and you like to share your inner world with others.
You truly care about every single person in your life. You want the best for everyone.
You are a great listener and tend to give valuable advice. You know your friends well.
I don't see the outside world as peaceful, I see it as a fractured mess most days. However, everything else seems to fit okay.
I hope you have a fantastic day!
I love your photos. All so colorful and it's interesting to see how much further along you are with your flowers. Something to look forward to.
I hope you have a peaceful week.
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