So ... DD got a custom order request for necklace/earring sets for Christmas gifts, and has been working diligently on them. The first necklace ended up being too small (put the "choke" into choker) so had to be taken apart. The first earrings were too big (the person wanted "dainty" on that particular set).
She spilled her box of beads once. Spilled her nearly microscopic crimp beads. Spent hours working and only ended up with one set that made it through Q. A. (that's me *G*).
She's learning what it means to work for a living. I think that's good. I'll post pictures of the set once we have natural light to work with (it looks better than flash).
We ran by the dog park for a few minutes yesterday. It's gotten to the point now that whenever we drive anywhere in the area, Dakota starts to pace and whine and fuss. So, when I have the time to stop, I take her.
Yesterday, there were three unaltered, male large breed dogs there. A gorgeous harlequin Great Dane, a half grown (but still big as a house) Neapolitan mastiff, and a good sized Golden Retriever.
The thing that cracked me up, though, was that they pretty much ignored Dakota (the only female in the bunch, albeit spayed) and the two largest dogs decided on making the Golden their ... ahem... girlfriend.
If I had been the owner of the golden, I would have stepped in because he was really being picked on. They weren't aggressive, but the two dogs were so big that the golden simply could NOT get away.
Oh well. I'm just glad they left Dakota alone.
The funny thing was, though, that she's gotten used to having a bath when we get home from the dog park on Saturday. THOSE days, she ends up rolling around in the urine-soaked sand (sounds yummy, huh?) and there's no way she gets to live in the house again until she's thoroughly bathed. We get home, she goes in the tub, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Now she associates bath with dog park so even on the days she doesn't roll around (like yesterday) when we get home, she walks in the house and puts herself in the tub. And waits. And she will NOT get out unless we wash her off in some way. I've started rinsing her feet off...
She HATES baths. But she knows her duty. Good puppy. :-)
As a side note, I watched a show on PBS the other day, Nova: Dogs Decoded, which was very interesting to me. I recommend dog owners give it a watch if they can.
You Are Easygoing and Forgiving |
![]() Your sense of humor is goofy and silly. You try to never hurt people with your jokes. You are the type of person who does well with math, writing, and other academic subjects. You are a good student. You have fun when you're doing something new. You crave novelty and different experiences. You are the type of person who completes projects easily. You like to do one thing at a time. |
Hmmm..... 75/25 I think.
Oh good. I'm up before Joanna. :razz: LOL!
Ref: Other research is proving what dog lovers have suspected all along: Dogs have an uncanny ability to read and respond to human emotions.
Duh. Like I need scientists to tell me this. I can't get PBS anymore. I'm going to end up missing it. Bummer.
Good Dakota. :)
You Are Solid and Honest
Your sense of humor tends to be a bit on the sarcastic and dry side. You are very witty.
You are the type of person who is more life smart than book smart. You are creative and intuitive.
You have fun when you're doing your favorite things. You know what you like.
You are the type of person who completes projects easily. You like to do one thing at a time.
Whew, poor Golden. You're doing a good job teaching your daughter the value of work!
You Are Solid and Honest
Your sense of humor tends to be a bit on the sarcastic and dry side. You are very witty.
You are the type of person who does well with math, writing, and other academic subjects. You are a good student.
You have fun when you're doing your favorite things. You know what you like.
You are the type of person who completes projects easily. You like to do one thing at a time.
This is the first quiz where I think it's spot on. *g*
Hope you're having a delightful Saturday! (And that you're taking it easy on your knee!)
LOL re Dakota and bath time!
Maria, too bad about PBS. I dont' want it much, but it does have some cool stuff now and then! And, yeah, about your "duh" comment!
Dru,I thought of your quilting when I read your quiz results.
Brandy, um ... yeah, yeah, I'm taking care of my knee. :::whistles:::
Tori, I KNOW! Dakota is a goofy dog.
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