Monday, Dakota wanted to go out and play -- but she kept charging the bird feeders and actually found our first wildbird casualty of the year (a little goldfinch, poor critter) and made a game of tag out of our trying to catch her before she swallowed its corpse. So, she had to sit inside:

And watch DD play:

And learn how to occupy herself:

And then Tuesday came. And the sun came out (yay!), and I discovered my birdies were out of food (I'd refilled the feeders on Sunday before the storm), so I ventured into the wilderness to feed them.
I had to dig a path -- On Sunday, this was just an inch or so of ice -- so you can see how much it snowed:

And I filled the feeders and laughed at the squirrel prints:

And looked at my two front flower gardens that were completely melted (and sprouting bulbs and seedum) on Sunday:

And wondered if Spring would ever come...
Your Daisies Say You're Very Resilient |
![]() You have a spirit of pure optimism. Your view of the world is eternally cheerful. You are bold and vibrant. Incredibly striking, you always stand out in a crowd. You are adaptable and flexible. You can thrive in almost any situation. You are often under estimated. Your critics and enemies are in for a surprise. |
Poor Dakota couldn't enjoy the snow on Monday.
Wow, you sure got a lot of snow. I love the snow path you created.
Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Tulips Say You're Very Positive
You are very popular and universally admired.
You are often hopelessly in love, and you connect to other people easily.
You are a naturally cheerful and upbeat person. You have an amazing smile.
You have a fresh perspective on things. You have a different way of looking at the world.
Could be me, maybe not.
Have a good Thursday.
Yes, spring will be here! Soon! It's going to be above freezing today and it'll just get warmer. Okay, it's still cold.
Wow...look at those drifts!!
Allie, the place where I dug a path wasn't drifts -- that's how much snow we got! The drifts are 2-3 times as deep. Blech.
Ack. Really. Just ack.
The stuff makes me feel like a cat with hairballs. My sides begin to heave...
Hope it melts quickly. Here we were lucky, and got only a few inches. I was so annoyed by it all that I didn't even clear any of it. We're just going to drive right over it. *G*
Yeah, I've had enough of winter, can you tell?
I hope you find time for writing today! :-)
Wow - you have a lot of snow. Great photos. We are going to have warmer weather later today!
Tulips Say You're Very Positive
You are very popular and universally admired.
You are often hopelessly in love, and you connect to other people easily.
You are a naturally cheerful and upbeat person. You have an amazing smile.
You have a fresh perspective on things. You have a different way of looking at the world.
You got so much snow! Wow!
I love the pictures of Dakota. Poor puppy!
Awww, Poor Dakota wanted to play! *G*
I hope you get some warmer weather soon.
As for the quiz, I picked Orchids (I think they're so pretty.)
You are exotic and intricately beautiful.
You possess a unique grace that's both delicate and strong.
You are thoughtful and refined. You are the definition of class.
Some people may find you unapproachable, but it's only their lack of confidence speaking.
HAHAHAHA! Absolutely, not exotic or beautiful here.
I hope you have a good (and warmer) day.
No. Spring will never come. Never. Never. Never.
It only exists in our imaginations...
(Says Groovy who is looking out the window at 3 feet of snow and more coming down and who wants to ride her bike and hates time changes and is out of coffee and is feeling rather cranky this morning!)
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