I've completely lost track of the days this week...I hate that. This morning, as I was uploading the days pages for The Long and the Short of It, I spent a good five minutes staring at the computer wondering what pages I was supposed to upload!! What day is it? It's a good thing I do that every day, or I'd really be in trouble. (Edited to add: I forgot the day so badly, I spaced my guest blog... so you get TWO posts today, for the price of one! LOL)...
We've had rain here for the past 2 1/2 days, and this morning when I stepped outside to put out my feeders and let the dog go potty, I nearly broke my neck: that lovely rain had frozen on my deck overnight! Yikes! I just checked the thermometer outside and it's only 30 degrees. Whee.
At least we'll be able to take the dog out to stretch her legs! She's been absolutely nuts the last couple of days, and she can't even run around the house because of the wood floors (trust me, she's tried -- and it's been disastrous).
Hey, starting tomorrow, there's a new contest on my website. I'll be having a supplemental contest of some sort to promote the release of "A Change Of Heart" on the 14th as well. So...whoo! *G*
I mailed in my contract for "Kitchen Matches" yesterday. I also heard back from my editor (:::waves at Deborah:::) who says, while she's not entirely opposed to the title of "Kitchen Matches" she suggests we change it because, "One of the things I like about your writing is the wit, and I'd love a title that showed off your humor.". Well, heck... I never was one to resist a compliment, so I'm brainstorming ideas (and so is she).
Mostly, though, I need to get writing again! I want to keep the ball rolling...
Today is dog school for Dakota. Wonder if she'll flunk again? *G*

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Dear heavens... say it isn't so...
Am I blue?..... la, la, la
It is snowing outside. I am so not happy about that. Our spring gardens aren't, either.
So glad you didn't fall on the deck! Thanks for the warning -- ours is probably icy too.
Happy Wednesday!! :)
Hi M, I hope you come up with a great title and Dakota passes this time. good luck.
I'm Tommy Pickles,hmmm
Hugs on everything going on! It sounds like a lot of people are stuck in crazyville right now.
Good luck to Dakota. I can't wait to hear how she does.
I'm Dexter... whoever he is....
Good luck with Dakota and doggy school. I've been there, being so busy you lose track of the days. Take at least a small bit of time to just decompress.
Oh, I am Tommy Pickles, from The Rugrats. Hmmm, nah!
Have a good day!
Hope the cold weather passes -- it got down to 25 last night, and we were glad we remembered to protect our asparagus shoots! Sending you hugs to cope with the craziness. I'm afraid it's just that time of year. Good luck!
Congrats on receiving the contract! I like the title "Kitchen Matches"... oh, well.
Good luck with the brainstorming. I've gotten attached to Kitchen Matches so I can't wait to see what you come up with.
How did Dakota do in her class today?
My cartoon character is Nemo.
We had hail today. Bleah. Where is SPRING????? Did she get lost, or something?
How did dog school go?
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