Sunday, January 28, 2007


I do not like to write - I like to have written. ~ Gloria Steinem

When you love a story you're working on, do you think about it all the time? Dream about it?

I have a short story that I wrote a couple years ago... I dreamed it, actually, from beginning to end and got up and wrote it all down. I thought it might have too many characters (it was a little reminiscent of "The Big Chill" without the body) to fly.

But, I sent to a couple (non-writer) friends to read, just for fun. Recently, one of them asked me about it. Had I submitted it anywhere?

I was startled that she still remembered it after all that time. And I decided that if it stuck with her, it must have some merit. So, I've been working on it and puttering, adding scenes, etc.

I thought I was done after a marathon writing session of two and a half hours straight yesterday. I was wrong.

Last night, as I began to doze off, I thought: Those two characters are superfluous and I can eliminate them with ease and I think I'll take out the letter.

I sometimes wonder, even when we've submitted something and it's published, is it really ever finished?

Hey! It's warming up here... it's supposed to be 27 degrees today! Woo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder, even when we've submitted something and it's published, is it really ever finished?

I think you're on to something here.

Congrats on the heat wave! *g*