In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage. ~Robert Anderson, Solitaire & Double SolitaireIn my last post, I said it was my thirteenth anniversary. DH disabused me of this fact -- it is our FOURTEENTH. Guess they're already starting to blend together? Time flies? I am mathematically challenged? Whatever the case, he is right and it's fourteen years of marriage we've enjoyed.
I was nearly thirty when we were married (he was twenty-five ... yes, I robbed the cradle ::rawr::), my dad had passed away years before and we were financing our own wedding. I was already working full time, but took a second job waiting tables nights and weekends to pay for everything. Still, it was a modest wedding. DH stayed out of the planning, but did say he wanted to be able to wear Wranglers during the ceremony.
Okay ... I could work with that.
I bought a tea-length, western wedding dress. My mom added the bustle/train to it. The most expensive part of my wedding outfit was the boots -- and I only wore them once! I tried to wear them again after I'd had my DD, but my feet had gotten larger and they didn't fit.
I remember the morning of my wedding, I (and my attendants) stopped by a local convenience store to pick up ice. I had a caterer, but had to provide the drinks, so needed bags of ice. While we were paying, the cashier said, "Summer picnic?" I said, "Nope, wedding. Mine. I'm getting married in less than an hour." The jaw-dropping surprise made me wish for a camera.
I did my own hair. No limo was involved. The reception was in the church hall. But, hey, it worked. And sometimes I think folks put more effort into their wedding than they do their marriage.
So ... pictures. Please remember that not only do I not have a scanner, but my real camera is broken, so these are pictures of pictures I too using my cell phone.
Me, getting ready. I'm holding my teal garter and, no that isn't a real smile, lol.

Putting on my boots:

My mom walked me down the aisle and gave me away:

Here's our cake:

It had the cutest topper:

And our wedding party (and quite possibly the only photo that will be posted of my DH online ever):

If you want to read a fictional account of our meeting, I wrote up a story that loosely follows it here (click the cover):

Now ... on to the drama about DD's sinking swim fin.
We went to The Sports Authority and told them the story. The girl helping us disappeared for a bit, then returned and indicated that they would be unable to issue a return, a store credit or anything else. That items needed to be returned in the condition they were purchased. I told her that if I was able to return them in the condition purchased, I wouldn't BE returning them.
I asked for the number of her district manager. She advised me that she'd already called him and he backed the decision. She wouldn't give me his number, but would give him ours. I gave my DH's number. She also said they recommended I contact the manufacturer.
I didn't even get a "We're sorry this happened."
When the district manager called, he basically said that because so many people lie and defraud the company about returns, they have a strict policy. Period. No exceptions. He also suggested we contact the manufacturer. The fact is, though, they could have refunded us the money (or given us a store credit) and then contacted the manufacturer themselves. These were $25 fins ... it wasn't as though I was asking for hundreds of dollars in a refund.
The Sports Authority gets a BIG "FAIL" in my book. And in Manchester where I shop, there is a Modell's Sports right next door to TSA. Guess who will get my business from now on?
We emailed the manufacturer. The fins we bought were Gnarly Swin Fins from
Fluid Water Sports (part of C Walters Intercoastal Corporation ).In a matter of a couple of hours we had a response. Not only would they refund our money (I simply have to fax a copy of the receipt), but they apologized for what happened, indicated that those fins ARE supposed to float. She said they would test a pair to make certain they floated and would send a pair to DD in her size. This ON TOP of refunding the money. This was so far above and beyond what we expected, I was floored. After the
incredibly poor service we received from The Sports Authority, I wasn't certain we'd receive any better from the manufacturer.
Here's the thing: Fluid Water Sports has built SUCH good will with us at this point that, when DD buys her mask and snorkel that she's saving for ... guess who we'll use? Their gear is nice, their prices very reasonable and their service is absolutely amazing.
So, although I'm disgusted at TSA, my confidence and faith was restored by the
outstanding care we received from Fluid Water Sports. Kudos to them.
You Are a Snake

You have extraordinarily sharp senses.
You sense what's going on almost before it happens.
You connect with the world. People instantly feel close to you.
You are a natural protector. You take good care of your friends.
You are an ambitious person. Your ambitious drives you.
But while you are ambitious, you are also humble. You are thankful for everything you have.
Mostly right...