Thrift is not an affair of the pocket, but an affair of character. ~S.W. Straus
I hate wasting time. Drives me nuts. Yesterday I wasted three hours looking for shoes/boots for my DH. He has weird feet, VERY high arches which make him bust through most shoes unless they are very well made.
So, I went looking for decently made boots at a reasonable price. And, I came home empty.
We've tried brands like L.L. Bean -- but the clasps that hold the laces broke in only a few days (thankfully, they'll take stuff back when that happens). We've gone cheap (KMart special) which have oddly enough lasted longer than the more expensive brands. Even so, they don't last very long.
Yesterday I tried Tractor Supply Company (a very cool store that I can putz around in for an hour, but they didn't have the kind of boot I was looking for) and finally ended up at Bob's Stores. I had a coupon (as it turns out, though, it was expired), and after much looking and poking and bending, I found a pair of boots that were a little pricey, but appeared well made. However, when I discovered my coupon was expired, it put them out of my price range and I had to leave them behind. Thankfully, Bob's typically has a coupon in the Sunday paper, so I'll grab that and go back and hope they still have a boot in his size.
We won't talk about looking for sneakers for DD. When did prices get so high? Sheesh...
I didn't do a lot of actual writing yesterday, but I did do scene cards for the scene ideas I'd had pop into my head, and then brainstormed some more. I'll most likely continue to do that until I have a very sketchy plot outline before I start to write. And, heck, if it takes me into November, I'll use it for my version of NaNo (I'm challenging myself to write 500 words a day ... not the 1500 that NaNo requires, but I have to be realistic).
Today? I'm building next week's pages for LASR/WC for the website and stacking wood -- the chore that won't go away. I may also finally pull up the last of my veggie garden. I can't believe we haven't had a frost yet!!
The leaves are getting gorgeous up here, and further north, they're probably at their peak for leaf-peeping. I imagine ours will be peak in another week or so. The colors are incredible.
Have a great weekend!
FS NBTM: Father of One by Jani Anttola
57 minutes ago
I do know what you mean about shopping for shoes. I have the same problem with my arches.
Remember when you could buy a pair of Nikes for under $20? Where did those times go?
I hope you're able to get some relaxation in this weekend.
Have a good Saturday.
I have high arches and it's a pain to find tennis shoes. *G* I know exactly what you mean about kids shoes. I refuse to pay $65 for a pair of tennies for a child who will outgrow them in a couple of months.
I hope the coupon you need is there for you!
I also hope you have a terrific day! Enjoy those leaves!
Shoe shopping. Ugh. The girlies both have VERY different feet shapes and taste in footwear. The only thing worse is shopping for pants for them.
The leaves are peaking here. The yellows are a bit lacking, but it's lovely nonetheless.
The prices of shoes (and tons of other things these days) are ridiculous!
Oh lord shoe shopping. I used to like it until I gained weight so working on loosing it again before getting shoes lol. Only tennis I can wear that don't mess up my feet are new balance.
Good luck!
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