by Paty Jager

Is it their manners, chivalry, sense of justice, or the fact they take off their hats and say, “Thank you, Ma’am.”? All I know - cowboys have the ‘it’ factor for me and many women.
The swagger of the rodeo cowboy after he picks himself up off the ground. The set jaw, cool demeanor, and stance of a lawman in a movie standing up to the bad guy. The easy way a rancher leans over the corral fence taking stock of his herd, with one foot resting on a rail.
Sigh, there’s something about cowboys.

I write about cowboys both in the past and now. I try to capture the honor, justice, manners, and that raw maleness that seems to ooze from cowboys. I don’t know how else to explain it, but they have a side that would fight a man twice their size, barehanded, to defend a woman or child’s honor. That is what makes a cowboy or any hero in a romance stay in my heart.
Any man who doffs his hat and opens doors in this day and age gets a smile and notch on my hero meter. And you’ll find most cowboys do. They respect women. I think it harkens back to the days when women were few and far between and cowboys were so tickled to have a female to cater to, they bent over backwards to make them want to hang around.

What is the “it” factor about cowboys that makes your heart skitter with excitement?
To read about a cowboy some reviewers have fallen in love with, check out my latest release, “Outlaw in Petticoats”. You can purchase it in e-book at or in print at any book store. To find out more about Paty Jager and my other books you can go to:
Marianne, thank you for having me here today, it’s been fun to talk about a type of hero that so many people enjoy. The Cowboy.
I love cowboys! One of my current wip has a cowboy hero. Thanks for the inspiration!
Ceri, You're welcome and thanks for stopping by!
Oh I love cowboys! I think it's the respect factor that does it with me. Also, they're always such hunks!
Nice guest post. :)
I've always thought Cowboys were a hero that in this day and age weren't respected as much. Thanks for proving me wrong! *G*
Paty, the only thing I can say is "Amen". *sigh* I love cowboys.
Sarita, I agree. They might cuss out an animal but they treat their women with respect.
Brandy, true cowboys are hard to fins, but they deserve a lot of respect not only for what they do but how they do it.
Debra, Yeah, there's just something about a cowboy!
Hi Paty!
You know I love cowboys. I hit 34K today on my NaNo project, whose hero happens to be a cowboy!
Loved your photos, too!
Cowboys are just so sexy - their swagger, their bad-boy attitudes (a lot of them anyway), their well-toned bodies from riding hard. Their range wisdom.
Helen, thanks for stopping by. WoW! Awesome word count!
Ashley, Yeah, they do have a swagger don't they? Comes from all those hours on a horse. ;)
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