Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world. ~Ada Louise Huxtable
Diane Craver tagged me over the weekend on a fun meme, so here you go:
I have to answer the questions below. Then, I “tag” four more people, asking them to post their answers to the same questions.
Four Movies that I can see over and over.
1. Undercover Blues (I <3 this movie)
2. The Princess Bride (I've seen it a hundred times and STILL catch new stuff)
3. While You Were Sleeping (never fails to make me smile)
4. Ever After (Except for Drew Barrymore's abysmal accent, this was a stellar movie)
Four Places I have lived.
1. Rancho Cordova, CA
2. Mount Aukum, CA
3. Colorado Springs, CO
4. Sacramento, CA
Four TV shows that I love to watch.
1. House (I'm a late comer to this, but how can you NOT enjoy the show?)
2. Eureka (Funniest "thinking man's" show EVER -- Carter is the best)
3. The Closer (She's such a mess personally, and so sharp on the job -- I'm endlessly amused by her)
4. NCIS (IMHO one of the best casts ever)
Four places where I have gone on vacation.
1. Lincoln, NH (when I lived in CO)
2. Walt Disney World (my anniversary)
3. Honolulu, HI
4. Monterey, CA (when I lived in CO)
Four favorite foods.
1. Thin crust, vegetarian pizza... yum.
2. Tacos (or almost any other Mexican food)
3. Vegetarian Lasagna
4. Almost anything chocolate
Four websites I visit daily
1. The Long and the Short of It
2. Facebook
3. Twitter
4. A zillion author blogs... :-)
Four places I would rather be.
1. Nearly anyplace west of here.
2. Visiting my mom
3. Hawaii
4. Arizona
Four things that I would like to do before I die.
1. Have a NYT Bestseller.
2. Travel.
3. See my mom again.
4. See my daughter grown, settled and happy.
Four novels I wish that I was reading for the first time.
1. The Last Herald Mage from the Valedemar series by Mercedes Lackey
2. The Dragonrider of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey
3. Most of Nora Robert's trilogies
4. Getting Rid of Bradley by Jennifer Crusie
Wanna play? consider yourself tagged!!
Edited to add:
Judy played. She's "tag" number one! Anyone else?
So, I'm trying to figure out TwitterFeed, but can't figure out how to find the RSS feed associated with my blog. Can anyone help? I feel like an idiot...
We have a mole in our vegetable garden. Even though he's not eating the plants, he's still managed to do a bit of damage. *sigh* Just saying
Do you think it might clear up today? Could it? Would it?
Wrote yesterday. Plotted out an entire short story from beginning to end and started writing. Decided I didn't get to start anything new from now on unless I knew the entire story. I have WAY too many "ideas" that I've begun that just sit and do nothing on my computer. I've never been a plotter. We'll see if it works for me. If it does, I'm going to try to start it on my longer works.
Review Tour: Golden Blood by Tim Vee
9 hours ago
You went to Hawaii!! :) My dream vaca. :)
Nice meme!
I love Princess Bride and Ever After, too. Amanda has watched Ever After so many times, too!
I want to go to Hawaii - that's my dream vacation I have to take! lol
I still remember Getting Rid of Bradley - I'll never forget the green hair of the heroine. :)
Hope you enjoy the meme from me. If you don't, don't read it. I had fun with it.
Four Movies that I can see over and over.
1. Undercover Blues (I <3 this movie)
2. Pride and Prejudice (the original one).
3. While You Were Sleeping Loved this movies
4. Sense and sensibility.
Four Places I have lived.
1. Rancho Cordova, CA
2. Mount Aukum, CA
3. Colorado Springs, CO
4. Sacramento, CA
Four TV shows that I love to watch.
1. American Idol
2.Bill O'Reilly
3. The Closer
4. Any Hallmark movie
Four places where I have gone on vacation.
1. Mexico
2. Disneyland
3. Boise, Id
4. Bakersfield, Ca to visit a daughter.
Four favorite foods.
1. Thin crust, vegetarian pizza... yum.
2. Tacos (or almost any other Mexican food)
3. Potato Soup
4. Anything chocolate
Four websites I visit daily
1. The Long and the Short of It
2. An Angry American
3. Michale Reagan
4. Reese Morgan
Four places I would rather be.
1. Nearly anyplace but here.
2. New Hampshire visiting my daughter.
3. Sacramento
4. ? No.1 covers this.
Four things that I would like to do before I die.
1. See ALL my grandkids
2. Travel.
3. See my daughter again.
4. See my graddaughter.
Four novels I wish that I was reading for the first time.
Couldn't change any of these.
1. The Last Herald Mage from the Valedemar series by Mercedes Lackey
2. The Dragonrider of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey
3. Most of Nora Robert's trilogies
4. Getting Rid of Bradley by Jennifer Crusie
Fun meme! Getting Rid of Bradley is one of my all-time favorite books. I have the original sitting on my keeper shelves.
Sorry to hear about the mole.
I hope you have a nice day!
What a fun meme! I loved this one.
Four places I'd rather be?
1. Arizona
2. Arizona
3. Arizona
4. Nevada
Or maybe Colorado. *g*
I'm envious. I want to write something new too!! But I've dedicated myself to editing until it's done.
Oh bummer, I thought for sure that the mole have gone away.
That's great about plotting out your story.
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