What animal do you think makes the best pet?
Now, when you say “best” do you really mean “easiest”? Because that’s kind of the defining factor for me. It’s why I have fish. Then again, if by “best” you mean “most fun”, well then that’s what I have a hunky husband for. *grin*
When is the best time to exercise?
Um, this is a trick question, right? When you say “exercise”...
Seriously, though. I’m a runner. And I always run alone. I like the mindlessness of it. I can set myself on a path and just keep going without having to think about anything (which is even easier on the treadmill). And I usually run in the mornings when it’s still dark outside because then I really feel like it’s just me and the empty world. It’s the only time of the day when I have that kind of peace. I strap on the mp3 player and the tunes drown out everything except for my muse. I do some of my best brainstorming and plotting when I’m running.
Where is your favorite place to eat out for dinner?
Italy? Just kidding, I’ve never been to Italy. Yet. But as soon as it’s my turn to pick the summer vacation destination (for some reason hubby and kiddo have outvoted me the last two years)...then there’ll be no more swimming in ice-cold lakes, hiking in poison ivy, or hiding in tents from bears. We’re going to Italy.
Until then, I’d probably have to say my mother-in-law’s house for dinner. It costs me nothing to go. I don’t have to cook, and my husband always likes the food.
Why did you choose to write in the genre you do?
It was more along the lines of the genre choosing me. I like to read horror and paranormals and edgy contemporary romances best, which is maybe why my “voice” lends itself to the darker, angsty stuff. So I go with it. Although I’d like to try my hand at a few other things and I’ve got some ideas that I’m working with right now. One of them is going to be a cool futuristic romance about a bounty hunter and a botanist. Can you guess which will be the bounty hunter?
How do YOU spell relief?
Between my husband’s busy job as a teacher, the coaching he does for the school teams and our son’s soccer and lacrosse teams, and my own crazy schedule, we get pretty busy and it would be too easy to get lost in the daily stuff and put our relationship on the backburner. But we told ourselves a long time ago that we wouldn’t let ourselves do that. So my husband and I try to keep our bi-weekly date night. And I love it. It’s become very important to me, even if we’re only going to dinner. It also means that I have a very close (and expensive) relationship with my son’s babysitter, but it’s totally worth it.

When she isn’t spinning exciting tales of love and adventure, you’ll find J.K. Coi cheering on her son at the soccer field, or watching her husband play hockey. She also likes to paint and create beautiful treasures with stained glass.
Visit her website for more information about upcoming books, chats, interviews, reviews and all things Immortal: www.jkcoi.com. You can also find her on Myspace (www.myspace.com/jkcoi) and on her blog (www.jkcoi.blogspot.com).
This was a lot of fun, Marianne, thanks for having me on your blog!
J.K. Coi
Immortals to Die For
LOL... you crack me up! I admit to finding it odd that you write dark stories when you clearly have a well-developed sense of humor.
LOL, thanks. I think we all need a well developed sense of humour--especially to work in the legal field (day job).
And don't get me wrong, even Immortals have their moments. It's not all "oh no, the world is going to end...you're cute let's do it"
Good luck with your vacation plans :-) Hey, tell them you want to set one of your stories in Italy and you can write off the trip in taxes. Maybe that will change the hub's mind :-)
What a great interview!
I loved - how do you spell relief - babysitter! Great stuff! :)
Ref: How do YOU spell relief?
P-R-I-C-E-L-E-S-S-! You are so funny JK!
Loved reading your comments. Interesting that you can be so humorous and write such dark stuff. If your writing is as great as your comments today, it must be great.
Judy, that's a great idea! I'm going to try that. Italy, here I come!
Thanks Keri, Maria and MomJane!
Oh, and all my books aren't so "dark". My most recent release The Trouble With Destiny is a lot lighter, with a snarky sarcastic heroine who was inspired by old Buffy the Vampire Slayer shows.
I'm a big J.K. Fangirl (if I cut down on the nutella, I'd be a small J.K. Fangirl) and I can vouch for her sense of humor peppering her awesome novels (the Immortals - so many hunky heroes).
It is a great offset. Dark and then a twisted splash of humor.
Thanks Kimber, you're the best!
I'm off to come visit you at Romance Junkies!
Great interview! Will check out your books - sound awesome, JK.
Just what I needed to read while being cooped up again with people home. We have another 8 inches of snow here in Ohio.
Ouch. I hear you on the snow. It feels like we might get spring here somewhere around August.
OOh, I like snarky! I'll definitely have to look up your work! Thanks for the fun interview questions.
I like the tone of the interview and the answers. I'm definitely going to check out J.K.'s books.
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