It was in 2006 that I first dipped my toe in the publishing pool. I sent out a contemporary inspirational novella titled Juliana. Shortly after, I signed my first contract with Forbidden Publications. For some time after, I genre hopped. I tried my hand at several genres, trying to conform to the trend at the time. I became frustrated, not happy with the words I typed. I wish I could remember the exact person who gave me some sage advice after I expressed my frustration, to which she replied, “Write what you know.”
These four small words made all the difference. You see, I’ve lived the ‘biker’ lifestyle most of my life. I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some call me old school. It used to be that all bikers shared a common bond, a code of ethics. Contrary to the bad-assed bikers portrayed in the movies for the most part, we are a group of men and women who take respect, solidarity, integrity and family very seriously. I have made it my mission to change the image of bikers...one book at a time.
That being said, I had a very dear friend, Faith Bicknell-Brown, who happens to be a top-notch editor, ask me if I’d be interesting in writing a biker fiction book for Wild Child Publishing. Of course, I was thrilled with the prospect and outlined Iron Horse Rider. Much to my delight, I signed a contract before I’d even written the book! I worked my butt off during NaNoWriMo in 2007 and finished the rough draft. The rest is history.
Iron Horse Rider portrays a man dealing with the death of his beloved wife. I wanted to show people that bikers are much the same as anyone else. We feel the same emotions, shed the same tears...and when we fall in love, we do so with the same passion we experience riding in the wind.
One reviewer said: "Laudan has crafted a remarkable story of grief and love. We feel Shane’s grief and his loss rends our heart. Filled with vivid description and unexpected surprises; scene after scene we are carried along for a wild ride to a shocking finish."

Biker Fiction isn’t all about the motorcycle; it’s also about the journey. I hope to show the extreme passion with which we live life—there is a lot more to being a biker than buying a motorcycle. If you just buy a bike, you are a motorcyclist. Being a biker is a way of life, a proud way of living we hold in high regard with a burning passion for the open road.
Shortly after Iron Horse Rider was published, I entered a book, Smiling Eyes, in a call for submissions at Freya’s Bower Publishing. Much to my surprise and delight, I won 1st place for their T.R.O.U.B.L.E line. Smiling Eyes is a story of healing. How a young girl’s life changes after the death of her mother, and how the gentle spirit of a biker/handyman, keeps her from harm’s way.
So, what is Biker Fiction? It can be any genre, romance, suspense, even inspirational. My hero or heroines share the same passion as I do for the open road. They also live by the same code as I do, where honesty is more than just a word. I invite you to read one of my books and see for yourself what I am trying to accomplish. Both Iron Horse Rider and Smiling Eyes are available in print and eBook. Iron Horse Rider 2 is now out in EBook, with hopefully print to follow. All those who sign up for my newsletter between now and May 31st will be entered in a drawing to receive their choice of a print copy of Iron Horse Rider OR Smiling Eyes. You can sign up on the main page of my website.
I’d like to thank Marianne and Long & Short Reviews for giving me this opportunity to blog about Biker Fiction. If you have any questions, just comment here and I’ll get back to you asap.
Until next time...
Wishing you Miles of Smiles :-)
Adelle ‘Legs’ Laudan
Adelle Laudan lives in Southern Ontario, with three of her four children still under her wing. There are three things in her life she is most passionate about: Family, Writing, and Motorcycles. Adelle is known to write with a depth of emotion that sometimes surprises even her. Her characters are as real as the situations life puts them in. It is her belief, if she can evoke any emotion from her readers, whether through laughter or tears, she’s accomplished what she set out to do. Join Adelle on the many twists and turns her stories will take you. Be sure to fasten your seatbelt, it’s going to be a ride you won’t soon forget.
My website – http://adellelaudan.com/
My blog – http://adellelaudan.blogspot.com/
MySpace – http://myspace.com/adellelaudan
Watch a trailer of Adelle's book:
I had never heard of Biker Fiction before. Sounds very interesting!
Wonderful interview! Congrats on the new release. :)
Thanks Sarita. I'm very excited about Iron Horse Rider 2. I've begun fleshing out number 3 as we speak :)
Hi, Adelle. Thank you for this interesting glimpse into a lifestyle many don't understand. Congratulations and many many successes.
Thanks Judy!
This is awesome, Adelle. Well done.
((hugs))) Thanks, Faith. I can always count on your support.
Well done Adelle. You do a wonderful job on this genre. It is a unique voice and you do it very well.
Lovely interview. :)
Thanks Diana ((hugs)) so happy to see you stop by and read my post.
I enjoyed your interview and your trailer. You have awesome book covers. And so neat you write biker fiction. You're educating people about bike riders by writing about their passions and loves in life.
Thanks, Marianne and Adelle, for a great interview.
Thanks Diane. The talented duo of Cover Van & M E Ellis did the Iron Horse covers. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for the look into another lifestyle that is generally misunderstood. Best Wishes for continued success.
I love reading, writing, and Harleys so you know I'm right there with you girl. I'm so excited about these books!
Kissa Starling
Thanks Brandy, Kissa. I'm happy to see you here today. Smiles :)
Wonderful interview, Adelle.
Thanks Boss! What a treat to see you here today.
Nice trailer!
Thanks Melissa. He did a fabulous job, and my good friend Beensy is our club photographer, donated a few of the pics. :)
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