Saturday, November 17, 2007

1004 words, for a total of 16,246

DH was home all morning and DD is antsy today. So almost no writing got done. Maybe tonight? Still, while 1000 words isn't enough, it IS better than zero words. Still inching forward...


Ceri Hebert said...

I'm not doing well at all on this NaNo. I'm way behind where I want to be and quite frankly I'm feeling a little guilty about ignoring my wip that I want to use as agent bait. I really want to get things moving. So I'm considering dropping NaNo, dealing with the stress in my life (ugh) and impending overtime and concentrate as much as I can on finishing the nearly finished manuscript.

groovyoldlady said...

No, I am inching, YOU are making large steps in the right direction.

Oh well, even if I don't get there by November 30, I am now intrigued enough to keep inching until the story is DONE. It'll be blotchy and choppy and have too many "suddenly"s in it, but it will be DONE.

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