Saturday, March 10, 2007

This and That

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch it to be sure. ~ Murphy's Law

The quote has nothing to do about anything. I just liked it :-)

I'm delighted to say that my story, Tickle Fights and Barbecues is ranked number one is sales in its line. Thanks to all of you! Incidentally, The Wild Rose Press has a nifty option now where you can purchase an item and have it sent to another email address as a gift! So, feel free to buy yet more copies of either of my stories and send them to everyone you love.

I'm still waiting for some reviews (I have to admit to being a bit nervous, because yesterday I actually went to a few reviews sites and solicited reviews... *gulp*. OTOH, I did find some great places to read reviews and have added them to the list of links on my blog. Take a look!

My DD is on her way to becoming a famous poet. Yesterday, I assigned her the task of writing a poem about a pet. She chose to write about all three critters in the house:

Bailey is a very good dog,
And never goes into a bog.
Bonnie likes to run,
And have a lot of fun.
Breann only likes to hiss,
And never ever likes a kiss.
And, really, she pretty much boiled down their characters into those lines perfectly.

I'm hard at work at a secret project that I'm not sharing with anyone. It's in response to a call for submissions at The Wild Rose Press and I have a lot of work to do. I'm challenging myself to a NaNo like endeavor and hope to have a decent manuscript first draft finished in a few weeks (maybe the end of March?). I have a friend who has offered (well, okay, I hit her up... but she said yes, so it's sort of an offer, right?) to look at it and I hope to have it listed among my submissions for April (maybe May). Fingers crossed (and any other appropriate body parts).

It's freezing here, I think my downstairs heat has decided to NOT work, my washing machine is kaput (this, after my dryer died a few weeks ago, but DH managed to fix it). I've been working on positive affirmations lately to buck up my mood, but somehow, "This is the best day of my life" doesn't quite ring true. Still, I'm trying!

Any big plans for the weekend?


anno said...

Sorry about your washing machine -- I hope it is soon repaired. It is 43 degrees here this morning, and I think some of this warmth may be headed your way. Good luck with your next project for TWRP!

Allie Boniface said...

I'm off to my local RWA chpater meeting this AM - which, incidentally, is being held in a mall food court today because they're having problems with the location they normally use. Discussion about writing followed by shoppping...I really can't go wrong!

Judy said...

We have to work (sigh). Bob has been really hoping business would pick up (we're trying to get some notes paid off and put a big chunk of money in savings...we have some major expenses coming up this year) and it has... with a bang. We're now working on scheduling for the week after next, 'cause next week is full. Looks really good in our bank account, plays havoc with writing time. I'm going to work on the query letter tomorrow, though, and hopefully have it ready to post Monday.

Congratulations on your number one sales placement!

Charity Tahmaseb said...

Dude! I just checked (can you tell I get a kick out of this). You're #7 on the overall bestseller list!
