Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday Morning Meme and Secret Handshakes

"The world is but a canvas to our imaginations." — Henry David Thoreau

First off... BSP:

My tour stop today is: The Long and the Short of It Romance Reviews -- I'm in the author spotlight. And I'm giving away a free download of any of my stories, including but not limited to, "One Love For Liv". Come on by!

My daily contest is here.


February 18th Questions:

1. How did your mother spend her day? Did she have a job or do volunteer work outside the home? How did her outside commitments affect your family? How did they affect you?

My mom alternately worked outside the home and stayed home... depending on what time of her (and my) life you're talking about. She was home with me when I was very small, but had to work when she and my father divorced--about kindergarten age for me. I had a bunch of older siblings who took care of me, so it was never a big deal. Later on, she remarried and stayed home again (about 3rd/4th grade). I don't really remember being impacted all that much one way or the other by whether she was home or worked. I do remember my older brother and sister making me strange dinners, though -- once they put food coloring in everything and we had green corn, blue potatoes and pink hamburgers. I also remember that they were frustrated at not being able to tell when the meat was done, because it didn't turn brown!

2. What’s the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever witnessed, live?

For some reason, these questions are always hard for me to answer. Maybe I blank embarassing things out of my mind? I do remember, in my senior year, my drama teacher cast a girl as the second lead in "Girl Crazy" who couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Every note she sang was sharp. But it was her "turn" for a lead role (he was nothing if not fair), so he sent her to the choir teacher for lessons. It didn't help. It was awful. It was absolutely horrifying to watch that girl on stage, screeching her way through song after song, especially when the first lead was so amazingly good.

3. If you could add the number of hours in a day, how many would you add and how would this impact your daily life?

Oh... this is a tough question. I am in desperate need of more time. I'd add many... assuming that I wouldn't need more sleep because of it. And I'd add them in the morning. I'd love to have a good... six or seven hours before anyone was awake to work. Now I'm sad, because I DON'T have them. How would it impact my life? Maybe I'd actually get everything done that I needed to!

4. If you had to spend one year living alone in a remote cabin (without Internet!), what would you spend your time doing? Elaborate - what would you typical day look like?

I'd probably spend it pacing back and forth. I do love solitude, but being cut off from the world with no internet? I'd lose my mind. I don't like to slow down, don't like to rest, don't like to relax. I'd be ready for the loony bin after not very long.


Yeah, we know. You do your best to be mysterious, but all those secret knocks, coded messages, and late-night meetings make it pretty obvious. If this quiz could figure out your secret, everyone else is probably about to guess the truth, too. Why don't you just admit it? Put this badge on your blog and tell the world. Your secret society buddies might get mad, but what can they really do? You're the president!


Dru said...

You're president of the United States!

We thought you had to meet a bunch of requirements (and be over 35) to get elected president, but it turns out all you had to do was take this quiz. Now, you'll get to live in the White House, fly around on Air Force One, and make decisions that affect people all over the country and the world. Lots of people will criticize you, and some of them might even wear weird rubber masks of your face at Halloween, but so what? You'll be too busy making history to care.

Jen said...

I wouldn't do well with the cabin thing, either. Even WITH internet.

Sarita Leone said...

Blue potatoes ... now that's got possibilities, LOL.

Congrats on the great review! :)

Melissa McClone said...

I would love to be in a cabin like that. I'd hike, climb, sleep. Heaven! But only if I could bring my cats!

WTG with the review!

Anonymous said...

You are president of a secret organization!

Yeah, we know. You do your best to be mysterious, but all those secret knocks, coded messages, and late-night meetings make it pretty obvious. If this quiz could figure out your secret, everyone else is probably about to guess the truth, too. Why don't you just admit it? Put this badge on your blog and tell the world. Your secret society buddies might get mad, but what can they really do? You're the president!

Works for me. *g*

Brandy said...

I was President. Your monday meme was interesting. I couldn't imagine not being able to get on the internet for a YEAR! GAH!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Ceri Hebert said...

Great review!! Doesn't it give you the warm fuzzies?

Now I'm off to edit. (so much for the warm fuzzies)

Anonymous said...

I think I would only last about a week, maybe two max, in an isolated cabin. I would miss my husband and kiddos too much.