Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Raindrops Are Falling on My Head...

God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done. ~Author Unknown

Thanks for all your comments yesterday on pricing for DistinctivelyDD-- we're leaning toward raising prices but offering free shipping (so, though the end result, moneywise, is the same we're hoping folks will think they're getting a great deal -- just like when car dealers price their cars $29,999 instead of $30k).

Seems silly, but I suppose we can play the game.

DD is working on learning how to make chain mail bracelets. She made one already, but won't give it up (she wears it almost every day). It's lovely! We need to invest in 14 gauge wire as she wants to try making her own jump rings for this instead of buying them pre-made (she is her mother's daughter!).

First, though, she needs to make more book thongs. We got cleaned out yesterday! *G*


It's raining today. I'm trying not to complain because it was supposed to rain yesterday and it really didn't. Still, I'm going to miss having my walk this morning. DD, Dd and I have been walking 2 - 3 miles every day and it's been great for all of us.


Tomorrow I start seeds. Tomorrow is the first day of the waxing moon (yes, I plant by moon cycles -- here are some reasons why). The second quarter of the moon is a good time to plant anything that has seeds inside so we're planting our squash and cucumbers.

I'm collecting all my clear plastic jugs as well, so I can make little "greenhouses" for the plants in order to put them out early. You just cut the bottoms off the jugs and bury them in the ground around the plant. Then, during the day, take the caps off so they don't cook, but at night simply re-cap them to keep them safe from frost. That's a trick my mom taught me :-)

I want an early and large harvest this year. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get one.


LASR/WC/Aurora is having a HUGE (and I really do mean HUGE) Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt this year. It officially starts on 3/29, but you can enter three ways now. Click on the banner for details.

Prizes include $25 Amazon.com or BN.com gift certificates (THREE of them), plus several other GCs, autographed books, tote bags full of goodies, eBooks and more. We have ten prize packs full of hundreds of really cool stuff.

You should check it out.


Your T-Shirt Says That You're Smart

People may not realize it first, but you're a total brainiac. You are downright brilliant.

So much is going on in that head of yours at any time. You always have multiple streams of thought going.

You are learned, and you have a well developed sense of humor about the world. You don't take anything too seriously.

It's sometimes difficult for people to get your jokes though. You can be a bit esoteric and offbeat.

LOL... the "brilliant" thing may be a matter of discussion, but this: It's sometimes difficult for people to get your jokes though. You can be a bit esoteric and offbeat. Right on the head.



groovyoldlady said...

So I cleared out your book thong stock, eh???? :-D I had fun shopping for the girlies and their big sister and those black heart earrings are for ME. :-)

Marianne Arkins said...

You DID! LOL... I really, really like that pink chunky bead one you're getting. And the black hearts? I have a pair, too *G*

They're winging their way to you.

Sarita Leone said...

Am going to garden vicariously through you this year. :-)

MomJane said...

Planted two squash plants and one cantaloupe plant yesterday. I have big hopes for them. My tomatoes in the ground are doing great, but the ones I put in the hanging pot are struggling. Poor things.

Spring is great.

Dru said...

Congrats on selling out your items. I have to check out the store and see what's new.

I can't wait to hear how your garden grows.

Your T-Shirt Says You're Creative

You're artistic and quite sensitive. You care a lot about the world, and it's likely that you have many causes.

You believe it's important to do the right thing, even if no one else is doing the right thing.

You value harmony. You try to get along with and reform your enemies. You don't think any person is beyond help or hope.

You are a very spiritual person, but you're never overly serious about it. If anything, you have an irreverent sense of humor.

This is pretty accurate.

Have a good Tuesday.

Maria Zannini said...

I'm looking forward to seeing her chain mail pieces.

Ref: I'm collecting all my clear plastic jugs...

Oh ye of great faith and energy. LOL!
I started too late with my seeds. But they should be big enough by late April. I'll direct seed some peas and lettuce though.

Brandy said...

We haven't started with seeds or plants yet, we're waiting for the weather to figure out what the heck it's doing. *G* Plus, I think we're just going to do tomato's this year. Daughter and I live off tomato's in the summer. *G*
My quiz answer was the same as Dru's. I can't tell you how many times I have to remind my family to "calm down". *G* So it's pretty accurate this time.

I hope you have a great day!

Tori Lennox said...

Chain mail jewelry is cool! I bought a chain mail headband with a pink crystal drop in the middle eons ago at the Texas Renaissance Festival. :)

MamaMonki said...

I'm totally using your greenhouse trick. I've never heard of doing that - what a fantastic idea.

Melissa McClone said...

Good luck with the seeds. I had grand plans for a garden this year, but with hubby's travel and my bad back from the accident, I don't think it's going to happen :(